Home World The results of the cheating scandal at West Point have come out: Eight people have been expelled from 51 for a year
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The results of the cheating scandal at West Point have come out: Eight people have been expelled from 51 for a year

by YCPress

West Point last May exposed the largest cheating scandal in exams since 1976, local time 16, West Point announced the results of the investigation and punishment, 73 students suspected of cheating, eight were expelled, the rest of the majority of the year.

According to reports, last year by the new crown pneumonia outbreak, West Point cadet training changed to “online”, all examinations are also held online. In a calculus test in May last year, 73 students were found guilty of cheating, 72 of whom were “first-year students” and one “second-year students”. These participants are accused of making consistent mistakes in a part of the exam. The school’s honors committee then launched an investigation into the 73 students.

According to the results of the latest investigation and treatment published by the university, 6 out of 73 people automatically dropped out of the investigation phase, 4 were declared undecided and 2 were not investigated for lack of evidence. Eight of the other 61 cheating cadets were dismissed, 51 were disciplined for one year and two were re-graded for six months.

Cheating in exams at West Point is nothing new, and the most influential was in 1976, when 153 cadets dropped out or were expelled for cheating on electrical engineering exams. The cheating scandal, which came to the fore last May, was the school’s worst exam scandal in more than 40 years for the Army’s junior training program for officers.