Trump’s epidemic coordinator is looking for a position in Biden’s team by YCPress December 10, 2020 December 10, 2020
Giuliani was discharged from the hospital after four days of hospitalization due to the novel coronavirus, claiming to be 10 years younger. by YCPress December 10, 2020 December 10, 2020
The “Safe Harbor” Period of the U.S. Election has arrived. Trump’s efforts to turn the tables are often frustrated. by YCPress December 10, 2020 December 10, 2020
Trump supports Texas to sue swing state election fraud, but it has suffered a setback in this state. by YCPress December 10, 2020 December 10, 2020
Nevada Supreme Court: Reject the Trump team’s appeal to overturn the election results by YCPress December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020
Republicans are worried of losing support or admit Biden’s election in January next year by YCPress December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020
Vaccines become the new “battleground” of Trump and Biden by YCPress December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020
As soon as today passes, Trump’s hope of “turning the tables” is even more remote. by YCPress December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020
Ivanka was revealed to spend $30 million on land in Florida, and the deal was close to completion. by YCPress December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020
Trump was fatally hit by the U.S. Supreme Court! The three justices he nominated did not help. by YCPress December 9, 2020 December 9, 2020