Four people have been killed in a traffic accident in the Russian motorcade by YCPress January 11, 2021 January 11, 2021
The Indonesian navy found the location of the suspected crashed passenger plane and deployed five warships to search for it. by YCPress January 10, 2021 January 10, 2021
A fire broke out in a hospital in western India, killing 10 babies. by YCPress January 10, 2021 January 10, 2021
A light plane crashed in Leningrad Oblast, killing three people. by YCPress January 8, 2021 January 8, 2021
More than 3,300 traffic accidents occurred during Thailand’s New Year’s holiday, killing 392 people. by YCPress January 6, 2021 January 6, 2021
A car accident occurred in Elbasan, Albania, killing 1 and injuring 6 by YCPress January 4, 2021 January 4, 2021
Nine people were killed in a serious car accident in California, USA. by YCPress January 3, 2021 January 3, 2021
A serious traffic accident occurred in the province of the Free State of South Africa, killing 8 people. by YCPress January 3, 2021 January 3, 2021
The purpose of the violent demonstration in Portland, Oregon, United States is not clear. by YCPress January 2, 2021 January 2, 2021