Home LifestyleHealth WHO: If protection measures are relaxed, the outbreak in India could be repeated anywhere
WHO: If protection measures are relaxed, the outbreak in India could be repeated anywhere

WHO: If protection measures are relaxed, the outbreak in India could be repeated anywhere

by YCPress

April 29th 2021 the head of the World Health Organization’s regional office for Europe warned that the current outbreak of Coronavirus pandemic in India could occur anywhere.

Specifically, when personal protection measures are relaxed, when people gather in large numbers, when there are more contagious strains of the virus and vaccination rates remain low, there is basically an outbreak storm in almost any country or region. Klug called on the international community to remain vigilant and unite in the response to the outbreak.

In addition, India’s Foreign Secretary Hash Shrinla said on the 29th, India has made oxygen imports a priority, in addition to the import of oxygen-related equipment. Shrinla said 40 countries have pledged support to India.