Home World US military deployed 4 B-52Hs to the Middle East for the second time this year
US military deployed 4 B-52Hs to the Middle East for the second time this year

US military deployed 4 B-52Hs to the Middle East for the second time this year

by YCPress

According to a report on the “Defense Blog” website on November 22, the US Air Force announced that four B-52H bombers flew to the Middle East on November 21 to perform a short-term, long-range mission to deter “aggression.” And to appease American partners and allies.

The Public Affairs Department of the U.S. Central Command stated that the uninterrupted flight missions demonstrated the ability of the U.S. military to deploy combat airpower anywhere in the world within a short period of time and integrate it into the operations of U.S. Central Command to maintain regional stability and stability. Safety.

The 9th Air Force Commander, Lieutenant General Greg Gillot, said that the bomber task force highlighted the powerful and diverse support capabilities of the U.S. Air Force, quickly transferring troops in and out of the theater, and the ability to seize, retain, and use the initiative.

Is the key to stopping aggression. These missions can help bomber pilots to familiarize themselves with the airspace of the area, enabling them to integrate with the US and partner air forces in the theater to improve overall combat readiness.

During the mission, the B-52H bomber coordinated with F-15, F-16, KC-10, KC-135 and other models.

It is reported that the last time the US military deployed a long-range bomber in the Middle East was at the beginning of this year.