Home LifestyleHealth The number of Thanksgiving travelers in the United States hit a recent high. Cases rise and rise.
The number of Thanksgiving travelers in the United States hit a recent high. Cases rise and rise.

The number of Thanksgiving travelers in the United States hit a recent high. Cases rise and rise.

by YCPress

December 1 – Comprehensive report: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and several health experts have warned that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States may surge in the weeks after Thanksgiving, urging people not to travel.

However, according to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), on November 30, local time, 1.18 million people passed the airport security check in the United States, the highest since the outbreak of the epidemic in March.

It is reported that there are more than 13.5 million confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus in the United States and more than 267,000 deaths. Health experts warn that Americans should not hold large gatherings on Thanksgiving as the number of cases soars across the country.

Fauci, the chief infectious disease expert, also predicted that the number of confirmed cases in the United States may “rise and rise again” in the coming weeks. “We don’t want to scare people, but that’s just the reality,” he said.

According to statistics, 9.47 million Americans passed the airport security check between November 20 and November 29, and airports were crowded everywhere. In addition, thousands of people choose to travel by themselves.

Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the White House coronavirus task force, said in an interview on November 30 that anyone who travels with a group or celebrates a holiday “all need to assume you’re infected,” should be tested and wear a mask indoors.” We are very worried about what will happen after Thanksgiving.

Birx also said that the number of infections after Thanksgiving may be “three, four times, or even ten times” after the Memorial Day holiday in May.

On November 26th, local time, passengers at San Francisco International Airport, California, USA. The CDC urged Americans not to travel during Thanksgiving, but millions of people are still traveling during the holiday season.

On the other hand, Modner said on November 30 that it had submitted an application for emergency authorization for the use of the coronavirus vaccine to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The company said that if approved, the first vaccine will be administered as early as December 21.

At present, as the emergency use of the coronavirus vaccine is about to be authorized in the United States, the authorities are still discussing the priority of vaccination for the people.

Assistant Minister of Health Giloyle expects that the first batch of vaccines will be vaccinated by medical staff, followed by nursing homemates and employees, and other high-risk groups. Other people can be vaccinated in 2021. Vaccination in the second and third quarters.