Home LifestyleHealth The number of coronavirus deaths in the United States in January hit a new high in a single month since the pandemic.
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The number of coronavirus deaths in the United States in January hit a new high in a single month since the pandemic.

by YCPress

Washington, January 28 According to the pandemic statistics released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of the 27th, nearly 80,000 new coronavirus deaths in the United States in January, setting a new record for the number of new deaths in a single month since the outbreak of the pandemic.

Fox News quoted Johns Hopkins University statistics as saying that as of the 27th, there were 79,261 new coronavirus deaths in the United States in January, surpassing the record of 77,400 new deaths set in December last year.

According to the pandemic data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the 27th, 148,733 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 3,692 new deaths were reported in the United States on the 26th.

According to the data of the project to track the pandemic in the United States launched by Atlantic Monthly, as of the 27th, there were more than 107,000 coronavirus hospitalizations in the United States.

Recently, the main pandemic indicators in the United States have moderated, but they are still at high levels.

On the 25th, Minnesota confirmed the discovery of the first case of mutant novel coronavirus reported by Brazil in the United States. The infected person has a recent history of traveling to Brazil.

The state’s health department said the mutant coronavirus could be more contagial, but it’s unclear if it could lead to more serious illness.

According to the data of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are currently 315 cases of mutant coronavirus reported by the United Kingdom in the United States.

In order to curb the spread of the virus and reduce the mortality rate, U.S. states are stepping up vaccination.

According to the data on the website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of the 27th, 24.652 million doses of vaccine had been vaccinated in the United States.

U.S. President Biden said on the 26th that he would increase the number of vaccines distributed to states by 16% in the next few weeks, and would purchase 100 million more doses of the US Mordner’s coronavirus vaccine and Pfizer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

and Germany’s new biotech company’s joint development of coronavirus vaccine, so as to allow 3 in late summer or early autumn this year. Hundreds of millions of Americans have been vaccinated.

According to statistics released by Johns Hopkins University, as of the evening of the 27th Eastern Time, there were nearly 25.6 million confirmed cases and more than 429,000 deaths in the United States.