Home World The last 16 prisoners surrendered, and the New Zealand prison riots ended after 6 days.
The last 16 prisoners surrendered, and the New Zealand prison riots ended after 6 days.

The last 16 prisoners surrendered, and the New Zealand prison riots ended after 6 days.

by YCPress

According to New Zealand media reports, at noon local time on January 3, the last 16 prisoners who occupied the prison building and confronted the police surrendered to the police.

At this point, the six-day North Island prison riots ended.

Waikaria Prison, which has riots, is located in the Waikato area of the North Island of New Zealand. It is one of the largest prisons in New Zealand. On the afternoon of December 29, riots broke out in the prison.

Some prisoners refused to obey the instructions of the prison guards and set fire to the courtyard and roof of the building, eventually occupying a building to confront the police. Prison facilities were damaged during the riots.

Inmate riots were reportedly triggered by protests against the poor prison conditions.