Home LifestyleHealth Singapore resumes use of the same two flu vaccines as South Korea
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Singapore resumes use of the same two flu vaccines as South Korea

by YCPress

The Ministry of Health of Singapore issued an announcement on the evening of October 31 that the two influenza vaccines SKYCellflu Quadrivalent and Vaxigrip Tetra, which were temporarily suspended by the Ministry of Health of Singapore earlier

confirmed that the quality and safety meet the requirements after further review by the authorities.

Healthcare providers will start from that day. Can be used again.

The announcement pointed out that the South Korean health department confirmed that the possibility of a causal relationship between influenza vaccination and deaths is very small. Of the 72 deaths in South Korea, 71 cases are likely to be caused by underlying diseases.

The Ministry of Health of Singapore also reiterated that vaccines, like any medicine, may have side effects.

Common side effects of influenza vaccines include soreness or redness at the injection site, fever, headache, muscle aches, fatigue and nausea. These side effects are usually mild and can be cured without medicine.

Only in rare cases, people who have been vaccinated will have a high fever or allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing and swelling around the eyes. “Those who have these symptoms should seek medical attention immediately.”

The Ministry of Health of Singapore emphasized that influenza vaccination can prevent seasonal influenza viruses and can effectively reduce the risk of related complications and death, especially for the elderly, young people, people with old illnesses and pregnant women. 

“Public safety is of paramount importance. The Ministry of Health attaches great importance to vaccine safety. The authorities will continue to pay attention to any issues related to influenza vaccination.”