Home World Requires Chinese Americans to take “loyalty” test
Requires Chinese Americans to take "loyalty" test

Requires Chinese Americans to take “loyalty” test

by YCPress

Requires Chinese Americans to take “loyalty” test

A hearing held by the Australian government on the 14th was intended to discuss the problems faced by the Australian immigrant community, but the three Chinese who were invited to the meeting were asked to condemn the CCP for conducting a “loyalty” test. After the incident was exposed, it caused widespread attention on social media websites and aroused fierce criticism in Australian politics and academic circles. Senator Bragg from the Australian Liberal Party called the practice of civic loyalty testing of Chinese Australians “intolerable” and “very insulting and sad.”

According to Australian media, the Australian Liberal Party Senator Eric Abetts, who asked three Chinese Australians to conduct the so-called “loyalty” test, is an “anti-China” group named “Wolverines” One of the members. Australian Commissioner Against Racial Discrimination, Chin Tan, believes that Abates’ actions may “damage social harmony and community cohesion”, and his racial prejudice “violates basic human rights”.

Accidental attack

“Please tell me briefly if the three witnesses here are willing to unconditionally condemn the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party?” On October 14, local time, at a public hearing held by the Australian Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Reference Committee, Abetts suddenly Ask three Chinese descent. “This question is not difficult.” He further added.

The sudden attack left Yun Jiang, Osmond Chiu and Wesa Chau, who were discussing the problems facing the Australian minority communities, astonished. Jiang Yun said that Abetts’ question surprised her because it did not seem to fall within the scope of the investigation. She felt she had been attacked unexpectedly.

“This is really shocking.” Jiang Yun mentioned that Australian Chinese are questioned about political stance, which other ethnic groups do not need to face. Such doubts may make Australian Chinese feel that they are not a real part of the community. . “People are already questioning their loyalty without communicating with the Chinese Australians.” In Jiang Yun’s view, trying to force people to condemn the Chinese government will increase the barriers for members of the Chinese Australian community to participate in democracy.

Zhao Mingyou, who attended the hearing with Jiang Yun, refused to answer the questions raised by Abez. In a subsequent article published in the “Sydney Morning Herald”, Zhao Mingyou responded that such problems were “degrading”. “It’s like a loyalty test. It wants to stimulate me and push me into a foreigner who needs to openly choose sides. I have Chinese descent… but I was born in Australia.” “I refuse to answer this kind of question. Refuse to participate in this political game.”

Another client, the Australian Labor Party candidate for Melbourne’s Deputy Mayor Zou Huixin said bluntly, “This is racially induced McCarthyism. I and two other Chinese have become the subject of the national loyalty test.” She believes, It is unfair to ask them to “openly loyal to Australia by condemning foreign governments”.

Angry voice

This “anti-China” farce quickly aroused fierce criticism in the Australian political and academic circles.

Andrew Bragg, also a Liberal Senator, told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation that Chinese Australians are “great patriots” and they played a valuable role in the early fight against the new crown epidemic. Today, “Chinese Americans are the only group in the Australian family who are asked to confirm their loyalty to Australia. I think this is degrading and very sad.”

“Abbett’s approach is outrageous.” Professor John Fitzgerald of Swinburne University in Australia condemned. “He needs an apology. The chairman of the committee needs to make a public statement on behalf of the committee, not on his own behalf, but on behalf of the senators of the Australian Parliament.”

John Fei admitted that he had participated in the hearings held by the committee before, but neither he nor several European-Australians were asked about loyalty. “Obviously… this is only a requirement for Chinese, not for all Australians. As far as I know, he only asked three Chinese. This is obviously a racial attack. This is unacceptable and totally unacceptable. He needs to apologize for racial discrimination against Chinese descent.”

Despite the increasing calls for apology from public opinion, Abez remained indifferent. In a statement issued on the 15th, the “anti-China” congressman from Tasmania argued that “it is everyone’s responsibility to resolutely oppose the ugly dictatorship. Therefore, I am responsible for Mr. Zhao Mingyou and mine. I am not sorry for the exchange.”

The next day, Australian Prime Minister Morrison was also asked to comment on this. But he evasively stated that it is “normal practice” for Australian citizens to maintain their loyalty to Australia. He also said: “Any Australian citizen should abide by a promise that is made when they become an Australian citizen.” When a reporter asked Morrison how he viewed Senator Abbott’s position, Morrison said : “I just said that normal practice should be followed.”

Morrison’s statement is undoubtedly “add fuel to the fire.” The Australian Broadcasting Corporation pointed out that as the tension between Australia and China continues to deteriorate, Australian Prime Minister Morrison’s response to this incident has once again sparked controversy and has become an “overtone” in the debate over the incident.

The forces behind

Why does Australia, which always regard democracy and human rights as its norms, frequently target Chinese people? Analysts have noticed that for some time, a small group of “anti-China” groups have emerged in Australia based on their own geopolitical interests and changes in their own strategic values. They not only distorted the values ​​and democratic traditions they promoted, but also frequently advocated hardline lines in their relations with China.

According to the “Australian”, there is an anti-China group called “Wolverines” in the Australian Federal Parliament. The organization was founded in 2019. Its members include the famous anti-China hawk Andrew Hesti, two Liberal MPs James Patterson and Tim Wilson, and the Labour Party’s Kimberly Kitchin.

The three Chinese-Australian Abets who sensationally asked China to “condemn” China were also members of this small group. They call themselves “Wolverine” and their only goal is to oppose and boycott China. At the beginning of the establishment, they even posted the group’s logo on the windows of the Canberra Parliament Building.

The irony is that the Australian media, who have slapped China’s so-called “wolf war diplomacy”, have praised the “Wolverine.” Affected by this, the Morrison administration has always been relatively negative towards China. Earlier, Morrison also planned to submit a bill called the “Diplomatic Relations Act” to Congress. Many Australian media believe that this bill is aimed at the previous cooperation between the Australian Victorian government and China on the “Belt and Road” cooperation.

However, this time the core member of “Wolverine” Abetts’ “little action” against Chinese Australians seems unpopular. Australian Commissioner Against Racial Discrimination, Chin Tan, believes that Abbots’ approach may “damage social harmony and community cohesion”, and its racial prejudice “violates our basic human rights”.

“Any Australians should not be questioned about their loyalty to the country because of their ancestry, nor should they be required to prove their loyalty.” Chen Zhenliang pointed out in a document written for the committee that there is a need for a national anti-racial To protect Australia’s diverse society, because Australia’s national security also depends on its ability to defend unity.