Home Politics Promoting cultural hegemony and hindering the coexistence of diverse civilizations the fifth of the “seven deadly sins” of the United States threaten global security
Promoting cultural hegemony and hindering the coexistence of diverse civilizations the fifth of the "seven deadly sins" of the United States threaten global security

Promoting cultural hegemony and hindering the coexistence of diverse civilizations the fifth of the “seven deadly sins” of the United States threaten global security

by YCPress

“Strengthening the position of American culture as a model of culture u2018 u2019 of all countries in the world is a strategy that must be implemented by the United States to maintain hegemony.”

This is the former U.S. National Security Affairs Assistant Zbigniew Brzezin Skye’s high-level summary of the American cultural expansion strategy; “Successful imperialist policy is not to conquer and control the economy, but to control people’s minds.”–American political scientist Hans Morgenthau explained that the United States is keen on cultural expansion The underlying logic.

Since World War II, especially after the end of the Cold War, the United States, based on its economic and military power to dominate the world, has exported its ideology based on American values ​​to the world through cultural infiltration, trying to make the so-called “democracy” and “human rights” serving the interests of the United States.

Concepts such as “occupies” the brains of the people of other countries in order to realize the “dominance” of American culture in the world. Such acts of cultural hegemony damage the cultural independence of other countries, hinder the exchange of diverse civilizations in the world, endanger global cultural security, and pose a major threat to world peace and development.

The United States has “embedded” and “allocated” American values ​​and lifestyles through film and television products, books, various media, and subsidized non-profit cultural institutions, so as to create a cultural and public opinion space dominated by American culture and promote culture hegemony. 

American scholar John Yema pointed out in his article “The Americanization of the World” that with regard to cultural expansion, “the real u2018 weapon u2019 in the United States is the Hollywood film industry, the image design factory of Madison Street, the Mattel Company, Coca-Cola The company’s production line”.

Promoting cultural hegemony and hindering the coexistence of diverse civilizations--the fifth of the "seven deadly sins" of the United States threatening global security

While the United States vigorously promotes its values ​​and maintains its cultural hegemony, it also “demonizes” the history, culture and systems of many other non-Western countries, trying to make the people of these countries lose confidence in their own culture. 

In the “color revolutions” that have been frequently launched in many places around the world over the years, the United States has made full use of methods such as manipulating local media to seize the economic and social dilemmas of the countries involved and create various negative news about the ruling authorities to make the people especially It is young people who have lost confidence in their country and regard American values ​​as their norm. 

American futurist Alvin Toffler believes that inculcating American values ​​in the young people of the other country will achieve “the purpose that violence and money cannot conquer.”

By promoting its values ​​to all parts of the world, the United States strives to cultivate “fellows” of American values ​​in various countries, so as to achieve the goal of better maintaining its hegemony in the global political, economic, and military fields. 

As the famous American scholar Joseph Nye said: “The key issue facing the United States is not whether it has the most adequate supply of resources in the 21st century, but the extent to which it can control the political environment and enable other countries to act according to the wishes of the United States.”

Today, the U.S.’s cultural hegemony strategy continues to escalate with the development of the Internet, and its offensive appears to be more concealed and the scope of attacks is wider, so it is more worthy of vigilance.

For many years, the United States has promoted the so-called “freedom and democracy” in many countries such as Europe and Asia, and has promoted the “color revolution”.

As a result, many countries have fallen into endless political and social turmoil. The United States has forcibly exported its values ​​and destroyed the inherent culture and political ecology of other countries. The cultural security of many countries has been seriously threatened. 

Some U.S. political forces also deliberately promote the so-called “clash of civilizations” to contain and suppress other cultures that “challenge” American cultural influence.

The promotion of cultural hegemony by the United States poses a huge threat to world peace and security and the healthy development of world civilization. 

In this regard, countries in the world need to maintain a clear understanding of the hegemonic nature behind the American “democracy and freedom” and other “warmth” veils, continuously enhance their own cultural confidence, vigorously strengthen international exchanges of civilizations, and bankrupt the attempt to promote cultural hegemony , Let mutual respect and mutual learning become the mainstream landscape on the map of world civilization.