Home LifestyleHealth More than 20 people on an Indian flight to Italy have been confirmed to be continuing to spread the Variat virus
More than 20 people on an Indian flight to Italy have been confirmed to be continuing to spread the Variat virus

More than 20 people on an Indian flight to Italy have been confirmed to be continuing to spread the Variat virus

by YCPress

May 4 2021 Italy’s Ministry of Civil Defence reported 5,948 new confirmed cases and 256 deaths on Wednesday local time, Euronews reported. As of 18:00 on the same day, the total number of confirmed cases in Italy reached 4050,708, the number of deaths reached 121,433, and the number of cured cases reached 350,5717.

On May 3rd Italy’s National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Spallanzani) said 23 passengers and two crew members on board had been found to be infected after a flight carrying 213 passengers and 10 crew members arrived from India to Rome’s Fiumicino airport on April 28. According to sequencing analysis of these patients, some of the cases were infected with Variat viruses found in India, and the Institute has issued a warning to health authorities.

Reported that italy’s National Institutes of Health also said that at present, 91.6 percent of new infections in Italy for the United Kingdom found variants of the virus, Brazil found the proportion of variants of the virus is 4.5 percent, other variants of infection are less than 0.5 percent.

In addition, a study by the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) in the European Journal of Surveillance Medicine found that outbreak statistics in seven European countries and territories, including Italy, showed that of the 23,343 newly infected people recorded, 19995 were infected with Variat viruses, with the UK reporting the most widespread variants.

The study also noted that the variants reported in the UK increased the risk of hospitalization in groups aged 20 to 39. The data for the variants reported in South Africa and the Variat reported in Brazil are not as striking as about the British variants.

Lazio Regional President Zingareti also said Wednesday that Lazio is Italy’s longest-running region in the Yellow Zone, which stems from the excellent local virus screening and tracking system. According to a virus test of a large Indian immigrant community in Sabaudia, Larina province, immediate action will be taken if a variant of the virus is detected in India.