Home Criminal International Criminal Court: Nigerian extremist organization Boko Haram is involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity and approves an investigation.
International Criminal Court: Nigerian extremist organization Boko Haram is involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity and approves an investigation.

International Criminal Court: Nigerian extremist organization Boko Haram is involved in war crimes and crimes against humanity and approves an investigation.

by YCPress

December 12th

The International Criminal Court said on December 12 local time that after preliminary examination, there is enough evidence that the Nigerian extremist organization Boko Haram has committed war crimes and crimes against humanity, and the Chief Prosecutor Fatu Bensouda has approved a full investigation.

A report from the International Criminal Court shows that Boko Haram has committed war crimes, murder, rape, sexual slavery, including forced pregnancy and forced marriage of girl women; also abduction, slavery of civilians, persecution on the grounds of gender and religion, torture of civilians and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The atrocities of Ge.

The organization also participates in the recruitment of child scouts and uses children under the age of 15 to carry out armed violence.

The report also alleged that Boko Haram launched terrorist attacks on people, institutions, facilities, materials or vehicles involved in humanitarian assistance, deliberately attacking education, places of worship and similar institutions.

Boko Haram began to carry out terrorist activities in northeast Nigeria in 2009, and then expanded its activities to neighboring Niger, Chad and Cameroon.

A large amount of infrastructure has been destroyed by it, killing at least 35,000 people, including children and the elderly, and leaving millions homeless.