Home LifestyleHealth India’s 165 journalists infected with Coronavirus death of front-line journalists safety concerns
India's 165 journalists infected with Coronavirus death of front-line journalists safety concerns

India’s 165 journalists infected with Coronavirus death of front-line journalists safety concerns

by YCPress

May 2 2021According to Indian media reported on the 1st, India since the outbreak of 165 journalists have died from infection with the new coronavirus. Many reporters pointed out that they did not give priority to Coronavirus vaccine when reporting ahead, safety is not guaranteed.

According to the Indian news magazine The Week, 165 Indian journalists have died of Coronavirus in the past year, according to the Media Women’s Network, an Indian organization. In April 2021 alone, that number reached about 60, with an average of two journalists dying every day that month.

Another study, published by the Delhi Institute of Perception in India, found that 101 Indian journalists died from new infections between April 1, 2020 and April 28, 2021. But Indian media stressed that the death toll would be higher if the figures were as of May 1.

Reported that many Indian journalists on social media said that in Coronavirus vaccination, although they as a front-line reporter was included in the necessary population, but in fact did not get priority. In addition, the government has required journalists covering the general election in each state to get vaccinated, but they have not been given priority.