Home Politics India Find a “trick” to deal with China ? has made these moves one after another…
Is India ready to do a long-term fight with China?

India Find a “trick” to deal with China ? has made these moves one after another…

by YCPress

The Indian military is probably studying China’s military history recently.

It learned at least two tricks: tunnel warfare and siege of Wei to save Zhao.

The situation in the border area has temporarily stabilized, and there has been no new conflict for some time, but India has been making small moves in other directions.

For example, digging tunnels, releasing missiles, banning a Chinese APP, etc. It hopes to put pressure on China through its efforts in other directions.

This is more like a “innocuous” test – it will neither attract fatal revenge, but also make people feel that it is showing strength to China.

At the same time, Indian public opinion has also changed its enthusiasm for the Trump administration and turned to relatives with President-designate Biden, approaching and emphasizing Indo-Pacific cooperation.

Is India ready to do a long-term fight with China?

  1. As the Sino-Indian border area begins to enter the severe winter, Indians have probably realized that yoga cannot withstand the severe cold.

After “long-term study of the Chinese army” and “in-depth analysis of China’s combat manual”, the border Indian army finally found a “trick” to deal with the PLA: tunnel warfare.

In order to prove the effectiveness of this deployment, the Indian media reported that this tactic has been successfully practiced many times: the Chinese army successfully used tunnels against the Japanese army in the Anti-Japanese War; during the Vietnam War, the North Vietnamese army used this tactic against the U.S. military in guerrilla warfare; and this kind of war also occurred in the Korean War in the 1950s. Traces of art.

Although this tactic was well known in China for decades ago, and few people have associated it with modern warfare, it does not prevent Indian public opinion from winning the pride of the treasure.

It is reported that in the so-called “Ladakh” area, the Indian army excavated a large number of tunnels and set up reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 1.8 to 2.4 meters.

Senior Indian officials said that this would allow Indian troops to move easily between different locations without being exposed to “enemy” firepower. Second, it can keep warm and protect Indian soldiers from cold temperatures and snow.

In addition to the so-called “stop the PLA from crossing the border”, Indian military officials also claimed that tunnel fortifications could also be used to “surp opponents in the worst case”.

But netizens still laughed: “Can I still climb out after the snow?”

But in the preparation of war, it is obviously not enough to dig tunnels alone, and there must be “hard goods”. In this regard, the Indian army is not idle.

Yesterday, the Indian media Eurasian Times quoted sources as saying that India tested the domestic Bramos supersonic cruise missile again on the 24th.

The missile is India’s long-awaited “additional version” and its range has increased from 298 kilometers to more than 400 kilometers. At 10:00 a.m. on the same day, the missile was launched from the Andaman-Nicobar Islands and hit a target on another island with all parameters met.

According to the report, the Bramos missile has been deployed in Dalac to “prep for any unexpected events”. Moreover, this week, India will also shoot the missile live many times to ensure that it can be integrated into the Indian army, “especially as the Indian army confronts the Chinese army at the border”.

In addition to digging tunnels and testing missiles, the Indian army also rented two drones from the United States.

High-ranking Indian sources revealed that two Predator drones leased from American companies were put into use on the 21st of this month and are currently on maritime patrols along the southeast coast of India.

But the focus of many Indian media is not here.

On the one hand, they highlight the “special background” of this action: it was after the Sino-India border conflict in May this year that the Indian navy was authorized to lease drones from the United States.

On the other hand, the Indian media speculated and “led the way” without factual basis, saying that the drone may be used to monitor the Sino-Indian border area, although the “source” only mentioned that India and the United States “co-operation” on the India-China border issue and “provides full-field surveillance and information sharing”.

The netizen laughed again: “Do you still have to rent this thing? In case of being shot down, does India still have to pay compensation?

2. Whether it is digging tunnels or renting drones, it is not so much to deal with the PLA as to be forced by the harsh environment.

The heavy snow weather in Bangong Lake and other areas this year is extremely bad. It is often the road that the Indian army has just opened, and it is soon covered by heavy snow. Although India has invested a lot of manpower in road dredging, it is often half the result with twice the effort.

According to Indian media, there are currently nearly 50,000 Indian troops stationed on the India-China border. These troops were deployed “differently in the eastern mountains of Ladakh” and are currently highly operationally prepared.

Indian media said that the Indian military’s current material reserves in the so-called “Ladakh” area can maintain the demand of more than 50,000 troops for at least two months.

But you know, the harshest winter in the region began at the end of November and lasted until April and May of the following year.

After the end of November, the temperature here dropped to minus 30 to 40 degrees, and blizzards and avalanches may block all roads to the area at any time.

Therefore, tens of thousands of troops were sent to the front line, originally trying to “won the glory for the country”, but unfortunately they all became snow shovelers?

On the opposite side, there are already conditions to eat hot self-heating small hot pot.

India is not unaware of its own background. The impact of this flowery and embroidered legs on the border situation is almost…zero.

So it couldn’t help but learn a trick from China: besiege Wei and save Zhao.

While maintaining a large number of troops in the border area and large-scale storage of winter supplies, India deliberately expands the field of wrestling beyond the border, trying to force China to make concessions on the border issue through connectivity in different directions.

Most of these actions took place in India’s traditional “scope of influence” – the Indian Ocean.

For example, shortly after the outbreak of the Sino-Indian border in June, the Indian army intensified its deployment in the Andaman Islands on the west side of the Strait of Malacca, and intensified patrols in the Strait of Malacca and the Chinese navy’s route into the Indian Ocean.

It also dispatched naval vessels to the South China Sea “low-keyly”, collected the whereabouts of other warships in the waters of the South China Sea, and maintained continuous contact with U.S. Navy ships through encrypted communication systems.

This month, India held its annual “Malabar” joint naval exercise with the United States and Japan, and rarely invited Australia to participate. The intention of the demonstration through the Indo-Pacific cooperation with the United States, Japan, Australia and India as the core is very obvious.

In addition, India has also made efforts in the economic field, once again announcing the ban on 43 APPs in China.

These apps include Alipay, Business Card Omnipotent King, and dating, chat, live broadcast and film and television applications developed by some Chinese enterprises.

The government of India stated the activities involved in the apps “detrimental to India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, national defense, national security and public order”.

Although the hat is really far-fetched, it is not the first time to be far-fetched anyway. As early as June 29 and September 2, India banned 59 and 118 apps developed by Chinese enterprises for the same reason.

In addition, some Indian media claimed that India will strictly control the import of electronic products from China, which may affect the entry of a number of electronic products, including Apple and Xiaomi, into India.

Shortly after the signing of the RCEP, the world’s largest free trade zone is booming, and India, which has not joined, is cheering the “victory of the poor”.

3 Of course, the most important constraint is the United States, which India knows well.

On the evening of the 17th, Modi called Biden and talked about three things in addition to congratulating the victory: the coronavirus epidemic, climate change and the Indo-Pacific situation.

The coronavirus epidemic is easy to understand. After all, the epidemic is the first and urgent problem for the United States and India, the two “most” brothers and sisters.

Climate change is more of a “go to your way” Biden. And “cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region” is self-evident.

Modi also congratulated “Vice President-elect” Harris, saying that her success was the pride of Indian Americans, although Harris had also strongly criticized Modi’s government.

After the call, the Indian media confidently predicted that Biden would also support India’s “regularization”.

In fact, India is uncertain about the extent to which the United States can support India in the border dispute.

The Hindu newspaper recently published an article mentioning that Biden’s election is a mixed blessing for India.

The article said that on the one hand, Modi invested heavily in the Trump administration, including two rallies with Trump, and the previous neglect of the Indian Foreign Minister of the House Foreign Affairs Committee led by the Democratic Party of the United States, “all of which have created the impression that New Delhi expects Trump to win”; on the other hand, “long-term support for the United States” Biden in India’s relationship has brought new expectations.”

This may be the only way that some people in India now have a mentality: half happy and half worried, worried about gains and losses.

India obviously recognized China’s determination to defend territorial sovereignty in this border confrontation. Perhaps out of a misperception of its own strength or out of self-esteem, India will not see any sign of “confessing defeat” in the short term.

It is a little hesitant and a little less confident.

On the one hand, after the meeting between the foreign ministers of China and India, there was no direct conflict on the border, and the military-level dialogue between the two sides continued, which is a positive signal.

But at the same time, India is not determined to give up. It is constantly testing China with small actions that do not attract fatal revenge, but also make people feel that it is showing strength to China.

Is India ready to do a big fight with China in the long run?

No, this only reflects India’s insecurity.

Just a few days ago, Sun Weidong, the Chinese ambassador to India, reminded again at the third China-India High-level Second Track Dialogue that Sino-India relations “are at a critical crossroads”.

He once again expounded China’s proposition that on the basis of mutual respect, take care of each other’s concerns, and properly deal with differences through dialogue and consultation; to make a large-scale positive aspect of cooperation and strengthen cooperation in the fields of anti-epidemic, economic recovery, multilateralism, global governance and other fields.

One reason that India should understand is that China has repeatedly warned that in addition to the mind and vision of a truly great power, it is also because it is not afraid of fighting strength at all.