Home LifestyleHealth Hanye company falsely advertised that dairy products can kill the Coronavirus president blamed resignation
Hanye company falsely advertised that dairy products can kill the Coronavirus president blamed resignation

Hanye company falsely advertised that dairy products can kill the Coronavirus president blamed resignation

by YCPress

May 4, 2021 South Korean dairy company Nanyang Dairy President Hong Yuanzhi held a press conference on the 4th, said that in order to Bulgaris fermented dairy products have the effect of fighting the false propaganda of the Coronavirus, he will resign, will not pass on the right to operate to their children. He called on South Koreans to once again give trust and support to the company’s employees.

On April 13, Nanyang Dairy reportedly said at a seminar on the theme of the Coronavirus outbreak hosted by the Korean Academy of Medical Sciences that Bulgaris could kill 77.8 percent of the Coronavirus. On the same day, Nanyang Dairy’s share price once climbed.

However, the Department of Disease Control said that to confirm whether a food has the effect of preventing and treating new coronaviruses, clinical research must be carried out on the human body. Since this conclusion has not been validated in clinical trials, it is difficult to predict whether the relevant product has this effect.

Since then, Nanyang Dairy’s false advertising has been criticized, triggering a consumer boycott campaign, food and pharmaceutical safety charges against Nanyang Dairy for alleged violations of the Food Label advertising law. South Korean police on April 30, Nanyang Dairy headquarters and research institutes and other six locations, search and collect evidence.