Home Politics Australian Prime Minister Morrison asked China to apologize
Australian Prime Minister Morrison asked China to apologize

Australian Prime Minister Morrison asked China to apologize

by YCPress

According to Sky News Australia, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison asked China to formally apologize on the grounds that China “published and forged a propaganda picture of an Australian soldier slit the throat of a child”.

“It’s totally outrageous and untenable on any basis … The Chinese government should be ashamed of the release of this post, which devalues their image in the eyes of the world,” Morrison said at a press conference. He also said that all over the world are paying attention to how Beijing responds to tensions in Australia’s relations with China.

Morrison said that Australia is seeking Twitter to delete the “displeting” picture released by Zhao Lijian on the 30th.

Earlier, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian urged Australia to investigate the recent war crimes charges, and tweeted a satirical cartoon by the painter @Oohe Qilin, in which an Australian soldier put a knife against a child’s throat, with the words “Don’t be afraid, let’s bring you peace.