Home Politics Afghanistan’s 19-year-old national soccer plane crashes Official: He wanted to find a better future
Afghanistan's 19-year-old national soccer plane crashes Official: He wanted to find a better future

Afghanistan’s 19-year-old national soccer plane crashes Official: He wanted to find a better future

by YCPress

August 20 2021, the United States sent C-17 military transport aircraft, from Afghanistan to carry out evacuation mission, a number of civilians fell from the plane, unfortunately fell to their deaths. According to CNN, the Afghan Sports Bureau confirmed on the 19th that one of the dead was an Afghan youth national football player, aged 19.

The Afghan Sports Authority said the dead man, named as Zaky Awari, expressed “regret and sadness” at his death and that he, like several other compatriots who had fallen from a U.S. military plane, was “going to the United States in search of a better future.”

Hundreds of Afghans are frantically chasing U.S. aircraft

16, when Kabul was captured by the Taliban, a large number of Afghans tried to flee, and at the airport staged hundreds of people frantically chasing U. S. aircraft scene. At least three people fell from the U.S. military plane that day and died.

After the plane landed, the U.S. military found human remains of suspected Afghan civilians on landing gear. The news shocked public opinion.