Home Politics A U.S. counter-terrorism program has been accused of human rights abuses, and the China Foreign Ministry’s “forced labor” is about the U.S. itself
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A U.S. counter-terrorism program has been accused of human rights abuses, and the China Foreign Ministry’s “forced labor” is about the U.S. itself

by YCPress

April 19 2021, China Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin held a regular press conference. Asked by reporters, it is reported that the United Nations Human Rights Council unilateral coercive measures on the negative impact of human rights, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention issued a joint statement that the United States “reward for justice” anti-terrorism reward program is violating the human rights of some of its targets, relevant experts have repeatedly raised concerns with the United States Government, hope that the United States Government to review the plan to ensure that it complies with international law. What is China’s comment on this?

‘I noticed the reports, ‘ Mr. Wang said. Experts on special human rights mechanisms said in a joint statement that the United States has found without charge that some people are suspected of involvement in terrorist activities, and many U.S. experts on terrorism do not have access to due process of justice.

The United States also resorted to forced labor as defined by the International Labour Organization to coerce people from other countries to cooperate with the United States against their will, on the grounds of suspected involvement in terrorist activities, through coercive means such as threats of sanctions.

These acts violate the right to work, freedom of movement, reputation and life of the persons concerned and constitute a serious violation of the humanitarian spirit and international law. Experts on the special mechanism also indicated that the above concerns had been raised with the United States Government on a number of occasions and that no response had been received.

The United States has repeatedly speculated that there is “forced labour” in Xinjiang, but it turns out that the hat of “forced labor” is America’s own.

China urges the U.S. side to listen carefully to the concerns of the international community, carefully examine its own serious human rights problems and take practical measures to improve them.