Home Politics A man in New York insulted Asians and never thought that the other party was an undercover policeman.
A man in New York insulted Asians and never thought that the other party was an undercover policeman.

A man in New York insulted Asians and never thought that the other party was an undercover policeman.

by YCPress

Recently, Asians have been frequently subjected to racial discrimination and violence in the United States. According to the New York Post, on the 9th local time, a man in New York made hateful remarks about Asians in the street, but this time he chose the wrong person: the other party was an undercover policeman.

The policeman was reportedly patrolling 33rd Street and 7th Avenue at about 4:30 p.m. that day when Rodriguez, 35, approached and began shouting, “Get back to China before you are killed!” The report said that he did not know that he was talking to the police.

Subsequently, Rodriguez continued to carry out physical attacks on the police. The undercover police officer immediately notified a branch police officer, who arrested Rodricks.

According to the report, this person is a recidivist and has been arrested more than 20 times. It is said that the prisoner was cuffed and shouting, “I don’t care whether I squat in prison or not!”

“He got what he wanted.” A law enforcement officer joked about the New York Post.

For some time, discrimination and violence against Asians have occurred frequently in many parts of the United States. On April 4th, local time, a large-scale anti-discrimination protest against Asians was held in New York City, USA, in which about tens of thousands of people participated.

The theme of the event is “Stop hate crimes, fight racial discrimination, defend the rights and interests of Asians”.

Demonstrators protest against the recent and more frequent violence against Asians in New York City and the United States with the titles of “Stop Hate” and “Unity is Power”.