Home Politics Who is the biggest threat in the United States? American answers hit the American media and the government in the face
Who is the biggest threat in the United States? American answers hit the American media and the government in the face

Who is the biggest threat in the United States? American answers hit the American media and the government in the face

by YCPress

Last night, U.S. polling agency YouGov and CBS News published a poll asking 2,166 Americans about who poses the greatest threat to American lifestyle.

And the answers given by these American respondents may shock you quite.

Because, as shown in the figure below, in the poll conducted between January 13 and 15 this year, more than half of the 2,166 respondents in the United States believe that it is not “foreign hostile forces” that pose the greatest threat to the American way of life, but “other Americans”.

Moreover, not only as many as 54% of the respondents who hold this view, but also more than half of the voters, whether Democrats, Republicans or centrists, believe that “other Americans” are the biggest threat to the American way of life. This further proves that this cognition is universal.

As for the “foreign hostile forces” that are often used by the U.S. media and the government to divert domestic contradictions, in addition to more than 10% of Republican voters who believe that “foreign and overseas military threats” pose a threat to the American way of life, this is held among Democrats, centrists and adult respondents. Less than 10% of people know.

Interestingly, the highest percentage of Democratic voters, at 25%, compared to the lowest in the Republicans at 11%, are the highest percentage of Democrats when it comes to whether threats from nature, such as climate change, viruses and natural disasters pose a threat to the way of life in the United States.

But it is not just this sentiment of “thinking compatriots as enemies”. The poll also shows that more than 80% of adult American respondents believe that political violence will continue in the next few years, even if Biden becomes the President of the United States and calls for “unity” in the United States.

More than half of the adult respondents also believe that political violence will worsen in the next few years, believing that it will be comparable to the current situation, and less than 20% of adult respondents believe that it will improve.

It is worth noting that Republican and Trump voters have the most negative attitude in this regard, with an alarming 90% believing that political violence will continue or even worsen, while Democratic and Biden voters are relatively the most positive, with nearly 30% and more than 20% of respondents, respectively, believing that the situation will improve.

This may be because Biden, the Democratic Party, will rule the president of the United States for the next four years.