Home LifestyleHealth U.S. pandemic in top HIGH RISK many states are in.
U.S. pandemic in top HIGH RISK many states are in.

U.S. pandemic in top HIGH RISK many states are in.

by YCPress

The number of people infected with Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States has surged again, and California and the Midwestern states have been hit hard again. The number of hospitalizations in some cities has risen sharply, and medical resources are tight. The Washington Post stated that the United States cannot control the epidemic at all.

△ “Washington Post” reported: The United States cannot control the Coronavirus pandemic at all, and China has the lowest risk.

The number of hospitalizations in the U.S. hit a record high for new confirmed cases in a single day

According to data from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, on November 10, the number of patients hospitalized with Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States exceeded 60,000 for the first time, a record high. More than 130,000 newly diagnosed cases in a single day set another record.

△CNN report: The number of people hospitalized with Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States exceeds 60,000, a record high

According to a report by CNN on November 11, 44 of the 50 states in the United States increased the number of new confirmed cases in a week compared with the previous week by at least 10%. At present, there are an average of more than 1,000 Coronavirus Pandemic hospitalized patients in the United States every day. CNN said these figures are not optimistic, because the increase in hospitalization is usually accompanied by an increase in deaths.

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota in the United States, said that the current number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus Pandemic has increased significantly, far beyond most people’s imagination. Even so, the worst days of the US epidemic have not yet come. In the next few weeks, it will not be surprising if there are more than 200,000 new confirmed cases in a single day.

△Gray bars indicate the number of newly confirmed cases reported daily in the United States (Image source: CNN)

As of now, the number of deaths from Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States has exceeded 240,000, and the Institute for Health Indicators and Evaluation of the University of Washington expects more deaths in the next two months.

Many states are caught in the epidemic again

CNN reported that in the U.S. state of Texas, El Paso County, which has been hit hard, has six mobile morgues, and four additional trailers are needed. On November 10, the state became the first state in the United States to have more than 1 million confirmed cases of Coronavirus Pandemic. At the same time, many states across the United States are also facing a surge in Coronavirus Pandemic cases.

The hospitalization rate of patients with Coronavirus Pandemic in most communities in Illinois is much higher than in the spring. The number of confirmed cases and hospitalizations in South Dakota is also rising.

Bruce Vanderhoff, Chief Medical Officer of the Ohio Department of Health, said: “The hospitalization rate in every county in the state is rising. If the spread of the virus is not controlled, our medical system will no longer be able to receive emergency patients. “

The governor of Utah declared a state of emergency again on the 9th and required masks to be worn across the state. He said the state’s medical system is overwhelmed. The hospital cannot accept more people, especially the intensive care unit.

The surge in hospitalization has put a lot of pressure on the medical system in many parts of the United States. The capacity of medical care in many states is not optimistic. Wisconsin, El Paso, Texas and other places have set up field hospitals.

Reuters reported on the 11th that California Secretary of Health and Human Services Mark Ghaly said at a briefing that in the past two weeks, the hospitalization rate of patients with Coronavirus Pandemic in California has shown a spiral upward trend, and admissions to the intensive care unit The number has surged by 30%.