Home Politics The United States will pass negative bills and provisions related to China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: firmly oppose
The United States will pass negative bills and provisions related to China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: firmly oppose

The United States will pass negative bills and provisions related to China. Ministry of Foreign Affairs: firmly oppose

by YCPress

December 22, China Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference.

A reporter asked, it is reported that the U.S. Congress and the House of Representatives have just passed the fiscal year 2021 comprehensive appropriation bill and the COVID-19 relief bill.

It is reported that it contains negative bills related to China such as the Tibet Policy and Support Act and the Taiwan Guarantee Act, as well as negative provisions related to Hong Kong. How does China respond to this?

“China has taken note of relevant reports, and we firmly oppose the passage of relevant bills by the U.S. Congress that contain negative aspects related to China.” Wang Wenbin said that Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other issues are related to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and are purely China’s internal affairs and cannot be interfered by any external forces.

The Chinese government is unswerving in its determination to safeguard the country’s sovereign security and development interests.

We urge the United States to stop interfering in its internal affairs by taking advantage of relevant issues, and not to sign and implement the negative content and provisions of the relevant bills against China that harm China’s interests, so as not to further damage the overall situation of Sino-US cooperation and bilateral relations.