Home Politics The United States chooses “Lie of the Year”: Other lies lie to cheat money, this lie is deadly
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The United States chooses “Lie of the Year”: Other lies lie to cheat money, this lie is deadly

by YCPress

The U.S. political website “Political Facts” has a retention project at the end of each year. It is to select the United States’s “Lies of the Year”. The website said that this year, there are endless lies in the United States, especially fierce competition. After repeated and serious comparisons, “diluting and denying the coronavirus epidemic” was named the “Lies of the Year” of the United States in 2020.

The reason given by the website is very straightforward – other lies lie to cheat money, this lies are terrible.

Under the article “Done down the denial of the coronavirus epidemic”, the website also listed some sub-items – questioning hospitals, questioning scientists, denying vaccines, mask useless…

The website commented that in the “chorus” of various rumors around the epidemic in the United States, the Trump administration can be regarded as a “conductor”, if not a “composer”. Especially because of the election year in the United States, the Trump team is trying to send a signal to its supporters that admitting the harm of the epidemic is tantamount to undermining its political prospects.

On July 23, US President Trump attended the coronavirus briefing at the White House in Washington. Xinhua News Agency/Reuters

In terms of “diluting the denial of the coronavirus epidemic”, the Trump administration has contributed many false or controversial remarks, some of which have been “smacked in the face” by scientists and scientific journals, and some have been requested to delete posts by social media:

• On March 19, Trump told U.S. journalist Woodward that he did not want to honestly and frankly tell the American people about the dangers of the virus. “I hope to keep downplaying the handling. I still want to downplay the deal with it.” Woodward later released the recording of the interview.

• On April 23, Trump said at the White House pandemic press conference: “I think disinfectant can be eliminated in a minute (COVID-19), just one minute. Is there any way we can get rid of (the virus) by injection?

• On June 16, Vice President Pence published an op-ed “There will be no “second wave” of the epidemic” in the Wall Street Journal. In fact, the epidemic in the United States is not only uncontrollable, but also has the highest number of confirmed cases and deaths of COVID-19 in the world for many consecutive months. However, with the arrival of autumn and winter, the epidemic rebounded fiercely. According to the latest data, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States exceeded 17 million, from 16 million to 17 million, taking five days; the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 300,000.

Chart of the trend of new coronavirus deaths in the United States from March to December 2020.

Such remarks are really unfavorable to the fight against the epidemic in the United States. What’s more, in order to transfer contradictions, the Trump administration frequently creates lies, blames, and interferes with the international community’s anti-epidemic cooperation.

As the Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Tedros, who was slandered by the Trump administration, said: “Our only hope is science, solutions and solidarity.”