Home Business The United States cancels the license for oil transmission projects. Local governments of Canada call for sanctions against the United States.
The United States cancels the license for oil transmission projects. Local governments of Canada call for sanctions against the United States.

The United States cancels the license for oil transmission projects. Local governments of Canada call for sanctions against the United States.

by YCPress

Recently, U.S. President Biden passed an executive order to cancel the $9 billion license for Canada’s “Acade Stone XL” pipeline project.

Alberta, Canada, called on the Canadian government to impose trade and economic sanctions on the United States.

Jason Kenny, Governor of Alberta, Canada: This is not only about the “Arch Stone XL” pipeline project itself, but also about Canada’s relationship with the United States.

It concerns thousands of jobs here, and it concerns billions of Canadian dollars in taxes from the Alberta government.

Alberta has reportedly invested a lot of money in the project.

However, for a variety of reasons, the project may be cancelled by the Biden administration, including environmental concerns on the U.S. side, the project’s involvement in U.S. political struggles, and the decline in U.S. related demand.

Some Canadian media reported that the Canadian government would not accept Jason Kenny’s call and did not intend to let the project affect the relationship between the two countries.

The report also said that Jason Kenny also has his political purpose. He is from the opposition Conservative Party, and the related projects are one of his campaign commitments.