As the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 continues to rise across the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a statement on November 21 local time calling on American citizens to cancel this year’s Thanksgiving holiday travel.
For people who have to travel by air, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States have put forward the following epidemic prevention requirements to reduce the risk of contracting the novel coronavirus on the journey.
Flying to US during pandemic, what should you do ?
- Transportation to the airport: If you need to travel to the airport by Uber, Lyft or taxi, make sure that you, your family and driver wear a mask or cover your mouth and nose with a scarf throughout the journey, and roll off the window to ensure air circulation.
- On the plane, you must wear a mask all the way: wear a mask correctly throughout the flight to cover your nose and mouth, and if the mask is at least two layers, it is better to have three layers.
- High-risk groups need to wear protective masks or goggles: If you are in a high-risk group, you can consider wearing protective masks or goggles to prevent COVID-19 from getting infected through the eyes.
- Carrying the essentials for COVID-19: In addition to your face masks, you should also bring disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer made with more than 60% ethanol or more than 70% isopropyl alcohol.
- outside of special circumstances, sit in your seat all the way: Walking around will keep you closer to others on the plane, while going to the bathroom may touch the potential source of COVID-19 transmission. Try to sit in the seat all the way and avoid using the bathroom.
- Quarantine after arrival: Self-quarantine for about 10 days after arrival, and then undergo COVID-19 testing to ensure that the virus will not spread.