Home LifestyleHealth The number of Brazilian police officers taking sick leave for Coronavirus fell by about 82% after the Coronavirus vaccine was given
The number of Brazilian police officers taking sick leave for Coronavirus fell by about 82% after the Coronavirus vaccine was given

The number of Brazilian police officers taking sick leave for Coronavirus fell by about 82% after the Coronavirus vaccine was given

by YCPress

On May 11th, local time, the public security department of the state of Sao Paulo, which has the highest number of confirmed cases of Coronavirus in Brazil, released data showing that the number of police officers taking leave due to symptoms of Coronavirus has dropped significantly since the state began vaccinating police officers on April 5 this year.

Statistics show that before vaccination, the number of police officers taking leave in the state due to symptoms of Coronavirus reached 1,700 per week. After vaccination began, the number fell to about 300 a week, a drop of 82%. Vaccination has also effectively reduced the number of police officers admitted to hospital with Coronavirus.

According to statistics, after Coronavirus vaccination, the number of police officers admitted to general care wards and intensive care units for related conditions decreased by 71% and 34%, respectively. So far, 96 percent of the state’s armed uniformed officers under state jurisdiction have been vaccinated against the first dose of Coronavirus vaccine.

According to reports, the state of S?o Paulo, in addition to the armed military police, federal police and other police officers priority vaccination, but also firefighters, prison guards and other public security personnel were vaccinated.