Home LifestyleHealth The New York Times criticized the US government’s response : Coronavirus is the biggest failure of the US government after the Vietnam War
Academic journal "Nature Medicine": The number of deaths in the United States may exceed 500000 by the end of February next year

The New York Times criticized the US government’s response : Coronavirus is the biggest failure of the US government after the Vietnam War

by YCPress

The New York Times published a commentary on the 22nd, citing various opinions that the new crown pneumonia epidemic continues to claim American lives and property and destroy American lives. This indicates that the US government’s response to the epidemic is the United States’ response to the Vietnam War. Maximum failure.

The article in the “New York Times” stated that at the beginning of the 21st century, HIV was widely spread in South Africa, and no one thought that the same human tragedy would happen in the United States. Anne Limoen, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, said, “Unfortunately, the situation in the United States was the same as in South Africa at the time. Thousands of South Africans lost their lives at the time, and Americans are now facing the same tragic fate.

“In my opinion, this is a huge failure of the leadership.” The article also quoted the epidemiologist Larry Brilliant who focused on dealing with the “smallpox virus” in the 1970s. “Today there are more than 20 More than 10,000 people have died from the new crown virus. If the government handles it properly, at least 50,000 people will not die in vain.”

The article also used the words of an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine to emphasize, “Although the cause of death can be marked as the new crown virus on the death certificate, in fact a large number of Americans die because of the incompetence of the government.”

The commentary pointed out that the number of deaths in the United States from new crown pneumonia every ten days is equivalent to the total number of deaths of soldiers in the 19-year war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and American economists predict that the new crown pneumonia epidemic will cause economic losses to the United States. It will reach 16 trillion, which means that each American family will suffer a loss of approximately $125,000.

Dway Sridhar, an American professor of global public health at the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom, concluded: “It is sad that the United States is not a leader in global health, but has become the laughing stock of the world. In recent decades, the US government Mistakes were also made on issues such as the Iraq War, but in terms of taking American lives and property and destroying American lives, the U.S. government’s response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic is the United States’ biggest failure after the Vietnam War.”