Home Politics The last two weeks of the U.S. election are really hard enough. Why did both parties mention 2016?
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The last two weeks of the U.S. election are really hard enough. Why did both parties mention 2016?

by YCPress

There are two weeks before the voting day of the US presidential election on November 3. 

The two-party candidates Trump and Biden have fought both online and offline elections. For the last two weeks, both parties spent a total of more than 100 million U.S. dollars in advertising expenses.

It is quite coincidental and ironic that both former President Barack Obama, who came out of the Democratic camp to support the election, or the spokesperson of the Trump campaign team, have made the 2016 election a few days ago.

This video taken in Arlington, Virginia, USA on September 29 shows US President Trump (left) and US Democratic presidential candidate Biden participating in the first TV show of the 2020 US presidential candidates in Cleveland, Ohio debate. 


Don’t believe in the advantages of polls, do  n’t take it lightly

On the evening of October 21, local time, U.S. President Trump moved to North Carolina to hold a campaign rally.

His predecessor Obama rushed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and gave his first live speech to support the election of his former deputy, this year’s Democratic presidential candidate Biden.

“We can’t take it lightly, I don’t care about the poll results at all.” Obama said. He emphasized that the results of a series of polls before the polling day of the 2016 general election were not “counted” in the final result.

“It is because many people stayed at home (not voted) at the time and were lazy and took it lightly. But this time it won’t work, this time. The election can no longer be like this.”

Obama attacked that Trump was not qualified for the serious work of the president. ” This is not a reality show, but reality. “

On October 21, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech to help the Democratic presidential candidate Biden. Xinhua News Agency/AFP

Trump team:

Dare to laugh at our lack of money? Think about Hillary

In American electoral politics, money has always been important.

Let’s look at the fundraising situation first-Trump’s huge financial advantage at the beginning of his re-election campaign has been reversed, and his fundraising performance lags behind Biden. As of the end of September, the Biden campaign had approximately $177 million in campaign funds, almost three times the $63 million held by the Trump campaign.

Look at the money spent again-in the sprint phase, the Biden team spent more. According to data released by the media tracking company “Ad Analysis”, the Biden team’s television advertising expenditure in September was more than twice that of the Trump team. For the last two weeks of the campaign, the Biden team has booked $63.8 million in TV commercials in 20 states, and Trump has booked $31.9 million .

In addition, in Florida, an important swing state, billionaire Bloomberg invested $100 million to support Biden, forcing Trump to pursue his vote. With this heavy blessing, the Biden team was able to use campaign funds in other swing states.

This photo taken on October 15 in Arlington, Virginia, shows that the current U.S. president and Republican presidential candidate Trump attending a voter quiz in Miami, Florida, is shown on TV.

However, in response to the “money” disadvantage, Trump campaign spokesperson Samantha Zager was not to be outdone, citing the “precedent” that the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was still defeated with a strong financial advantage, saying ” The Trump campaign has all the resources needed in the final stages of the election.”

The epidemic reshapes the 2020 U.S. election

From fundraising to campaigning, from voting methods to hot topics, the new crown epidemic raging in the United States can be described as reshaping the 2020 US election. The US government’s response to the epidemic has received the most attention and controversy, and it is also one of the topics scheduled for the final debate between Trump and Biden on October 22.

On October 5th, voters in San Francisco, USA, filled out their ballots to participate in the early voting at the outdoor voting center of the San Francisco City Hall. 

Due to the epidemic, the proportion of early voting in this year’s general election has increased significantly. In recent days, from Virginia to Wisconsin, voters can be seen wearing masks and long queues in front of many polling stations . People may have to wait at least an hour or two.

The tracking statistics of the “American Election Project” show that as of late night on October 21, more than 43 million American voters have voted, which is equivalent to 31.3% of the total number of voters who voted in the 2016 general election.

The 2012 Republican presidential candidate Romney was also a member of the early voting army. He said on the 21st that he did not vote for Trump, but declined to say whether he supported Biden.

The Republican Governor of Maryland, Hogan, recently announced that he had voted in advance for the late Republican President Ronald Reagan this year.

After an October full of “surprise”, the election still seems to be just looking at the flowers in the mist. Republican campaign adviser Ken Spean said, “To change the trajectory of the election, I am afraid it will take a political earthquake.” However, the Democratic campaign experts learned the lessons of 2016 and emphasized that the swing state election is stalemate and Biden is in danger of losing the election.