Trump attacked the rescue bill, saying that the next president may still be himself. by YCPress December 23, 2020 December 23, 2020
Trump pardons “co-Russia” investigation targets and shoots Iraqi civilians by YCPress December 23, 2020 December 23, 2020
Supporters have been accused by prosecutors for stealing the identity of deceased mother to vote for Trump. by YCPress December 23, 2020 December 23, 2020
Trump vetoed the coronavirus relief bill and asked Congress to amend it. by YCPress December 23, 2020 December 23, 2020
Trump granted amnesty to 15 people, including many Republicans. by YCPress December 23, 2020 December 23, 2020
Trump threatened to refuse to sign the new bill related to the epidemic, forcing Congress to amend the content. by YCPress December 23, 2020 December 23, 2020
Trump’s pandemic coordinator said he planned to retire but was willing to help Biden fight the pandemic. by YCPress December 23, 2020 December 23, 2020
Trump officially signed the federal spending and stimulus bill by YCPress December 22, 2020 December 22, 2020
Before stepping down, Trump “rewarded their achievements” by YCPress December 22, 2020 December 22, 2020