Home World Singapore’s Chinese character of 2020 was released. The word “cover” was elected.
Singapore's Chinese character of 2020 was released. The word "cover" was elected.

Singapore’s Chinese character of 2020 was released. The word “cover” was elected.

by YCPress

December 14th, local time, the results of the “Word Description Year 2020” Chinese character selection sponsored by Singapore’s Lianzao Daily were released. The word “Cover” was elected as the Chinese character of the Year by nearly 400 votes ahead of the second place.

The Lianzao Daily reported that nearly 10,000 registered ballots were received in the 16-day election campaign. Of these, the word “mask” received 2,415 votes, accounting for about a quarter of the total number of votes. The second and third places were the words “pestilence” and “feng”, with 2,026 votes and 1,431 votes respectively.

The report wrote: “After the outbreak of COVID-19, masks have become our daily necessities. In our days with the ‘mask’, we worked to embrace and adapt to the new normal.”

According to the votes obtained, the other 7 top 10 Chinese characters are: house, disaster, life, panic, customs, hoarding, and error.