Home Politics Singapore diplomat: American interests have been kidnapped by the rich
Singapore diplomat: American interests have been kidnapped by the rich

Singapore diplomat: American interests have been kidnapped by the rich

by YCPress

This week, Tian Wei, a reporter of China National Taiwan, conducted an in-depth interview with Mahbubani, a famous Singaporean diplomat and a well-known Asian scholar.

Ma Kaishuo said: The free media in the United States attacks Trump all day, in fact, “avoid the important or light”. Because the root cause of the huge tearing in the United States is not Trump, but the United States has become a “rich country”, not what it calls a “democratic country”. The interests of the United States have been kidnapped by the top 1% of the population. The rest of the country have no sense of gain, or even a sense of loss.

Ma Kaishuo believes that after Biden comes to power, he may decide to further hold Trump accountable after weighing the pros and cons. But that is bound to cause huge backlash and dissatisfaction among Trump supporters and fellow travelers, and the situation in the United States will also be unpredictable at that time.

This interview came at a time when the U.S. House of Representatives stepped up the impeachment of Trump. Hillary Clinton, the former Secretary of State of the United States, recently also proposed to support Trump’s impeachment, but she said that the fundamental problem that led to last week’s Capitol riots was the existence of “white supremacy”.