Home Politics Rouhani: The next US government will surrender to Iran
Rouhani: The next US government will surrender to Iran

Rouhani: The next US government will surrender to Iran

by YCPress

Source: Iranian Presidential Palace

November 6th Iranian President Hassan Rouhani (Hassan Rouhani) said on Thursday (5th) local time that no matter who will win the US election, the next US government has no choice but to “surrender to Iran”.

According to Iranian English Television (PressTV), Rouhani said in a comment at the opening ceremony of the water supply project on Thursday morning that Iran does not care about the final result of the US election. “It does not matter who is elected president of the United States. The next US government will Give in to the Iranian people”. 

Rouhani said that the U.S. government has no choice but to succumb to the pressure of the law, public opinion, and Iran’s resistance. Rouhani said that in the face of the United States, the Iranian people are the ultimate winner because they have endured sanctions and problems related to Coronavirus.

Rouhani: The next US government will surrender to Iran

In July 2015, Iran and the six countries on the Iranian nuclear issue reached a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue. According to the agreement, Iran promised to limit its nuclear program and the international community will lift sanctions against Iran. 

In May 2018, the United States announced its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement, and then gradually resumed sanctions against Iran that were suspended due to the agreement, and required other countries to comply with the US sanctions against Iran.

Iran accuses the United States of ignoring the fact that the Iran nuclear agreement has been approved by the UN Security Council in both actions, and completely ignoring the multilateral nature of the agreement. As a legal agency of the United Nations, the International Court of Justice also made a final ruling on compulsory measures, ordering the United States to suspend its ban on important items such as food, medicine and aircraft parts imported from Iran.

Regarding the implementation of the Iran nuclear agreement, Russia has repeatedly stated that Russia will still support the Iran nuclear agreement and condemned the United States for exerting unreasonable pressure on Iran. 

The EU also emphasized that existing international norms and norms should be respected, and the Iran nuclear agreement is part of the decision-making system adopted by the UN Security Council and should be fully respected by all parties.