Home Politics Protests and demonstrations across the United States continue

Protests and demonstrations across the United States continue

by YCPress

According to a US media report on November 20, local time, Portland, Oregon, and San Francisco, California, both took place on the 19th in demonstrations related to police violent law enforcement, and a gunman was arrested at the scene.

On the afternoon of the 19th, local time, dozens of police supporters gathered at the gate of the District Court in Portland, Oregon, United States, and expressed support for police enforcement. Some people could be seen holding a “very police” flag at the scene.

fully armed. After the protesters against police violent law enforcement arrived at the scene, the two sides began to conduct verbal attacks, followed by physical clashes.

When the local police rushed to the scene to try to disperse the crowds on both sides, they found that someone was holding an offensive weapon at the scene. A man was arrested for possession of a loaded gun in an illegal area. 

On the evening of the same day, a demonstration against police violent law enforcement took place in San Francisco to protest the local police shooting at an unarmed man this Tuesday (17th). 

The demonstrators held up slogans such as “abolish the police” and “stop funding the police,” and said that police enforcement actions often escalate the situation and local authorities should immediately reform the law enforcement system rules.