Home LifestyleHealth President of Argentina and several senior officials were quarantined
President of Argentina and several senior officials were quarantined

President of Argentina and several senior officials were quarantined

by YCPress

Russian Satellite News Agency on the 11th, according to local media reports on Wednesday, Argentine President Fernandez has been quarantined after contact with a positive case of Coronavirus.

Argentine President Fernandez

Argentine Secretary of Strategic Affairs Gustavo Beliz (Gustavo Beliz) tested positive for Coronavirus and had previously contacted the president. Currently, the president’s test for the new coronavirus is negative, and he is undergoing preventive isolation.

In addition to the president, many Argentine officials including the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Interior, the Minister of Culture, the Secretary-General of the President, and the Secretary of Communications and Press have been quarantined.

Argentine President Fernandez

The Argentine government statement stated: “As a close contact of the positive case of Coronavirus, Argentine President Fernandez has initiated a preventive and mandatory quarantine program and will be quarantined at his official residence.”

On Monday, former Bolivian President Morales returned to Bolivia after his 11 months of political exile. Argentine President Fernandez accompanied him on his return journey. Belize also accompanied Fernandez, where he participated in hearings and bilateral meetings, including talks with some well-known officials.