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Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

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Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

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Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Formula made from natural ingredients help you lose weight from the most healthy city worldwide, Flat Belly Tonic one of Japan’s top health care brands, has been developing health foods and supplements.

Its production procedures are strict and it insists on bringing health to everyone with pure and natural ingredients.

Its easy to use, can get 100% if not satisfied.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic About 3-6 months’ dosage Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic concentrated granules is the star product of Umicom health products.

contains natural estrogen extracted from red pomegranate, whose structure is almost identical to the estrogen naturally secreted by the human body, so it has no side effects.

contains many minerals and vitamins needed by women’s body.

also has new ingredients such as melon placenta, which regenerates skin and prevents aging, cranberry, which is excellent in preventing urinary tract diseases, and ceramide, which helps lock in moisture and hydration in the skin, offering beauty and health at the same time.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Review

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Review act as catalysts in the digestive and metabolic processes, promoting dietary digestion, detoxification, and bone and skin production.

The amount of Okinawa Flat Belly in the human body starts to decrease after the age of 20, and modern people use unenzyme processed food or cooked food as the main food, which depletes the enzymes in the body, so both men and women, young and old, need to take Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic!

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic is a classic product of Tonic Melts, which consists of 108 kinds of raw materials grown in a clean natural environment and fermented three times with super soft water of 1 degree hardness.

Purple turmeric grows in the southern tip of Japan, among which Okinawa purple turmeric is the best quality.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Price

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic
Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

Flat Belly has a direct farm for cultivation, the growth of purple turmeric is the best.

purple turmeric pills dissolve quickly and are highly absorbed, and have a significant alleviating effect on people with loss of appetite, abdominal pain and complications of stomach cramps, indigestion, habitual vomiting and food poisoning.

Flat Belly Ingredients

Flat Belly Ingredients The effects of garlic are described in the Materia Medica as replenishing energy, improving appetite, keeping warm, antibacterial, insect repellent, calming nerves, diuretic, lowering blood pressure, treating tinea pedis, neuralgia and nerve paralysis, etc.

Black Garlic Concentrated Granules are made from the finest garlic produced in the Aomori region of Japan, and are fermented for about 1 month to eliminate the garlic’s unique It is a health product for both men and women because of its unique production process, which increases the active ingredients and eliminates toxic and irritating ingredients through the action of enzymes.

Okinawa Flat Belly Reviews

Flat Belly Tonic Reviews World Health Organization’s in 2009 report revealed that Japan remains the world’s number one country for longevity, and Japanese women even lead the world’s women with a life expectancy of 86 years per capita.

When studying the secret of Japanese women’s longevity, it was discovered that the life expectancy of female stars in Okinawa Prefecture is even the highest in the world.

In particular, women here have the lowest incidence of breast cancer in the world.

People focused on the diet structure of Okinawans, and it turns out that marine food, determines their longevity. The high intake of seaweed food is of great significance to prevent breast cancer.

Do you eat seaweed “dishes”? Let’s take the time to explore in detail what kind of effects seaweed has.

  • Prevention and control of goiter, Kelp contains iodine and iodide, has the role of prevention and control of iodine deficiency goiter.
  • Lowering blood pressure. Kelp acid and potassium salts, calcium elements can reduce the absorption of cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
  • Lowering fat. Kelp contains a large number of unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, can remove the cholesterol attached to the walls of blood vessels, regulate the stomach and intestines, and promote the excretion of cholesterol.
  • Inhibit tumor. Hot water extract has obvious cytotoxic effect on human KB cancer cells in vitro, and has obvious inhibitory effect on S180 tumor, and kelp is also rich in anti-cancer star selenium, which has the effect of cancer prevention.
  • Improve immunity. Kelp can improve the body’s humoral immunity and promote the body’s cellular immunity. There are many other foods that regulate immunity, and shiitake mushroom is one of them.
  • Lowering sugar. Kelp contains 60% of rock algae polysaccharide, which is excellent food fiber. After diabetic patients consume it, it can delay gastric emptying and the time of food passing through the small intestine, so that even in the case of reduced insulin secretion, the blood sugar level will not rise, and the purpose of treating diabetes is achieved.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Melt

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Melt

  • Diuretic and anti-swelling. Kelp is often attached to a layer of white frost-like white powder – mannitol, which is a valuable medicinal substance. Modern scientific research has proved that mannitol has the effect of lowering blood pressure, diuretic and decongestant.
  • Prevent cardiovascular diseases. Kelp contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid EPA, which can make the viscosity of blood lower and reduce vascular sclerosis. Therefore, regular consumption of kelp can prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Eliminate breast enlargement. A large amount of iodine in kelp can stimulate the pituitary gland, lower the level of estrogen in women, restore the normal function of the ovaries, correct endocrine disorders and eliminate the hidden danger of breast enlargement.
  • Hair care. Iodine in kelp is extremely rich, it is the main raw material for the synthesis of thyroxine in the body, and the luster of the hair is due to the role of thyroxine in the body and the formation.
  • Calcium. Kelp is rich in calcium, can prevent and control the human body calcium deficiency.
  • Beauty. Kelp juice can be beauty, with kelp boiled into the soup bath, can moisturize the skin, make the skin fresh and smooth, smooth and beautiful;.
  • Weight loss. Kelp contains a lot of dietary fiber, can increase the satiety of obese people, and the fat content of kelp is very low, small calories, is the food of obese people to lose weight.
  • Delay aging. Kelp is rich in calcium and iodine, which helps the synthesis of thyroxine. These two foods together can not only beauty, but also slow down the aging effect.
However, the consumption of kelp, there are several contraindications.
  1. Do not eat kelp immediately after drinking tea (tea contains tannic acid), and do not immediately eat sour fruit (sour fruit contains phytic acid). Because the kelp is rich in iron, the above two foods will hinder the absorption of iron in the body.
  2. Patients suffering from hyperthyroidism should not eat kelp, because the rich content of iodine in kelp will aggravate the disease.
  3. Pregnant women and lactating mothers should not eat more kelp. This is because the iodine in kelp can enter the fetus and baby with the blood circulation and cause thyroid dysfunction.

Do you know the world’s longevity of Okinawa?

Do you know the world’s longevity of Okinawa? Okinawa Islands is a prefecture in the south of Kyushu, Japan, consisting of 161 coral islands. It is the home of long-lived people.

No one in the world can truly claim to have the elixir of immortality like they do.

In this green grass, rich and beautiful “Galapagos Islands of the East, people long past middle age still have beautiful skin, shiny black hair, slim bodies and dexterous hands.

The incidence of major diseases in the West is extremely low here, the word “suicide” is almost unheard of, and the word “retirement” you will not find any trace of it in the local dialect.

Okinawa’s centenarians and those over 100 years old do not spend their old age in nursing homes, rather they enjoy a full and vibrant life until the end of their lives.

A local 97-year-old karate instructor recently gained fame for defeating a former boxing champion in his 30s.

Even when the residents of Okinawa Island die, they do so sharply and with little to no currently known disease.

There are 34 centenarians for every 100,000 people on Okinawa (compared to only 5 centenarians for every 100,000 people in the UK), and here, too, there are very many people over the age of 105.

Officially, the residents of Okinawa Island are considered to have the longest life expectancy on the planet.

Okinawa Disease Solution

Some common Western diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer, have the lowest incidence rates in the world on Okinawa.

In Japan, the incidence of these diseases is already very low, yet Okinawa’s incidence rate is only 60% of the rest of Japan.

Okinawa Island residents are 80% less likely to suffer from heart disease than Americans.

Doctors who examine Okinawan residents find that people here generally have young arteries and extremely low cholesterol levels.

Breast cancer is so rare there that mammograms are not even needed.

Most older men have never heard of prostate cancer.

Overall, the incidence of cancer on Okinawa is 40% lower than in the West, and even when Okinawa residents have cancer, they are more than twice as likely to beat it than in other areas.

In 1975, a research team of renowned doctors set out to study the unusual health and longevity of Okinawa’s residents. The subjects of the study were 400 people aged 100 years and older.

The results of the study were published in the latest book, “The Okinawan Way”. The researchers found that Okinawan islanders generally have good levels of health.

Radley Wilcox, Ph. Dr. Radley Wilcox and Dr. Craig Wilcox. Dr. Radley Wilcox and Dr. Craig Wilcox’s first study subject was a 100-year-old man. Initially they felt he was only in his 70s.

The results of the examination revealed that the old man’s body had survived 100 years of exertion and was basically fine.

The doctors found that the old man on Okinawa still had a youthful immune system, a healthy and attractive body, high levels of sexual hormones and a good state of mind. In addition, they had a very low incidence of osteoporosis.

In this book, the authors conclude that the “secrets” of Okinawan residents can be emulated almost exactly in the West. These “secrets” are mainly related to diet and lifestyle, such as regular exercise and a positive mindset.

Unfortunately, the younger generation on Okinawa is abandoning traditional eating habits and has begun to gravitate to the fast food chains around the island’s U.S. Air Force bases. Their chances of developing Western diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, are increasing accordingly, suggesting that genes play only a minor role in longevity.

Typical Diet

The traditional diet of Okinawa Island follows all the important principles of a healthy, balanced diet.

It is a diet that promotes health and longevity.

The island of Okinawa has the expression “Ishoku-dogen”, which means that food and medicine are of the same origin.

Their food is rich in anti-cancer and anti-aging antioxidants – a miracle molecule that counteracts the growth of aging free radicals.

The traditional diet consists mainly of sweet potatoes, leafy green vegetables and whole grains, supplemented by fish, rice, pork and soy products.

Okinawan cuisine is unique in Japan because it combines Chinese and Japanese cooking methods.

Pork and vegetable dishes are cooked in a way that comes from China, while fish and seaweed dishes come from Japan, and the diet is rich in nutrients.

And people consume only small amounts of foods that accelerate aging such as fat, meat, sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol.
As with all long-lived people, Okinawan islanders benefit from a low-calorie diet.

In fact, they eat a lot.

Centenarian researchers have found that in terms of meal size, they actually eat more than North Americans, but they only consume about 1,500 calories per day, 40 percent less than the average daily calorie intake of North Americans.

Despite this, Okinawan islanders do not experience hunger because their vegetable-based diet is rich in nutrients and lots of fiber.

Coupled with the fact that Japanese people tend to be shorter in stature than Westerners, they need to consume fewer calories, and 1,500 calories would be too few for Westerners.

In Japanese folklore (including the residents of Okinawa Island), there is a proverb: “hara hachi bu”, which means “eat only eight minutes of food”.

Eat only the food you need, no more and no less, just like the residents of Okinawa Island. Scientists studying longevity have found that this is the only proven way to extend life.

This way of eating is also one of the main reasons why they are able to live longer. Centenarian researchers found that Okinawa islanders do have low levels of free radicals in their blood, with centenarians having just half the average level of free radicals and lipid peroxides of the average 70 year old.

The importance of fresh vegetables

The average Okinawan diet contains more than 1/3 of fresh organic vegetables, rich in free radical curbing antioxidants and fiber. The residents of Okinawa Island grow organic vegetables on rich land all year round.

The small village of Hiruga is home to some of the longest-lived people in the world, and the waters that flooded large areas of the island 150 years ago have receded, leaving the land extremely rich in mineral

The official anti-cancer diet recommended by the UK and the US calls for five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day. In contrast, Okinawa islanders are required to eat six servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit per day.

To make the meals look more attractive, they like to cook different colored foods together, such as orange sweet potatoes with green leafy vegetables.

In this way, the various antioxidant components work together to promote the secretion of digestive juices and ensure that people benefit from their diet.

The outer skin of the vegetable is fragrant and rich in antioxidants. With these two properties, we can even use them alone in dishes such as baby carrot peel salad.

The most common way to cook vegetables is to stir-fry them so that they retain as much of their nutritional content as possible. Sautéing always starts with some antioxidant-rich onions and stir-fries them in canola oil.

Canola oil is more nutritious than other vegetable oils. Common vegetables also include carrots, cabbage, watercress, baby white radish and oriental greens (similar to spinach or bok choy).

Sweet potatoes Diet

potatoes have been a staple food for Okinawan islanders since their introduction in the 17th century.

Potatoes play such an important part in their diet that even Okinawans greet each other with the words, “nmu kamatooin .” which means “Do you have enough sweet potatoes?

Sweet potato, one look at its bright orange skin, you know it is rich in anti-cancer antioxidant ingredients – carotene, of course, it is also rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E and lycopene.

Potatoes also have a low glycemic index (which benefits the body’s blood sugar levels), but are high in fiber.

“A bitter, gourd-like vegetable that looks a bit like a cactus, is also a staple of the local population, who consume it daily, especially during holiday celebrations.

Goya champuru

Champuru (which means mixed goya) is a local remedy for many ailments and is said to be an aphrodisiac tonic for men. Even after cooking, it is rich in vitamin C.

You can buy this vegetable in some oriental supermarkets in western countries, or you can substitute it with gherkins, zucchini or squash.

Seaweed, rich in antioxidants, is used to adjust the flavor of dishes and to make base broths. It has a high nutritional value and thus only a small amount of seaweed is needed.

In addition to being rich in antioxidants, seaweed contains essential fatty acids – a fat that is an essential component of our diet.
It also provides protein as well as important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iodine.

The Japanese believe that seaweed can prevent graying and balding hair, which is why it is added to Japanese hair care products.

Common species of seaweed include kombu kelp, nori, lamb’s quarters, and wakame comfrey.

These seaweeds are available in oriental supermarkets and health food stores in Western countries.

Fruits Diet

Okinawan islanders eat seven servings of nutritious fruits and vegetables a day, including at least one serving of fruit. This is because vegetables contain more nutrients than fruits.

In this way, 6:1 is a good ratio.

Some of the fruits commonly eaten by the locals include papaya, watermelon, bananas, pineapple and citrus.

The fruits are all eaten raw and thus provide beneficial digestive enzymes.

Papaya and pineapple contain papain and pineapple protease respectively (if you suffer from constipation, try papaya or pineapple, you will find them really effective).

Okinawa islanders

Okinawa islanders are both fishermen and farmers. They eat fresh fish caught from clean waters 2 to 3 times a week.

Oily fish such as tuna, mackerel and salmon contain Omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are the main components of the brain and nervous system and are important for the health of every cell in our body.

Omega-3 essential fatty acids are believed to fight cancer, prevent heart disease, inflammation, dry skin, dry hair, menstrual disorders, mental illness and just about any other disease you can think of.

Fish is all protein, more easily digestible than other meats, and has fewer saturated fatty acids. Essential fatty acids also help with metabolism, and although still fat, they can help you lose weight. It seems no coincidence that long-lived people in all regions consume essential fatty acids on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, fish, especially farmed fish such as salmon, can contain high levels of toxins such as PCBs, catalysts and pesticides.

The UK Food Standards Agency believes that eating one to two servings of fatty, rich fish per week will do more good than harm, but try to buy organic fish or wild fish.

Mackerel, sardines and herring are not as susceptible to contamination as salmon, while tuna should be eaten sparingly as it contains high levels of mercury.

You can also consume fish oil capsules – but remember to pick a good brand.

Soy products Diet

Soy products diet are a superfood that is loved by nutrition experts around the world. The incidence of breast and prostate cancer is not as high in Asian populations that consume soy products. Soy products are also praised for this.

Soy products are also a favorite food of Okinawan islanders. Locals consume about 3 ounces (about 85.05 grams) of soy products daily, mainly in the form of specially fermented tofu, miso soy sauce, tempeh and soy milk.

Studies have found that soy products balance hormone levels through their phytoestrogens and can combat hormone-induced cancers (such as breast and prostate cancers). People who consume soy products regularly also reduce hormone-related diseases such as irregular menstruation and ovarian cysts.

Soy products protect the heart and blood vessels in several ways. It is rich in antioxidants, which protect blood vessels by preventing the oxidation of “harmful” LDL cholesterol; it also lowers LDL cholesterol levels.

Soya Products Studies

Studies have shown that the isoflavones in soy products can strengthen blood vessels and stop atherosclerosis. Soy products contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids and vitamin E, which reduces blood viscosity, and the low incidence of crotch fractures on Okinawa and other areas where soy products are consumed is due to the presence of calcium and magnesium.

Soy products are also highly praised for this. In addition, soy products are also an ideal source of protein and are rich in 8 essential amino acids.

Occasionally, soy products get a bad rap. Studies have found that soy products contain certain toxic substances that can be harmful when consumed in large quantities. However, this finding was based on experiments with rats.

In the experiments, rats consumed large amounts of soy products and little or no other foods, while the residents of Okinawa Island ate only moderate amounts of soy products and they also consumed other nutritious and balanced foods.

In addition to this, the residents of Okinawa Island consume a fermented tofu, which is better digested than regular tofu.

But a recent study may be puzzling: Japanese people living in Hawaii who eat two to three servings of tofu per week are more likely to experience brain aging than those who don’t eat tofu.

As you can see, soy products, despite their various reputations, are not a perfect food. It is important to remember that for soy products and all other longevity foods, it is important to consume them in moderation and to eat a well-balanced diet.

Whole grain foods and pasta

Okinawan islanders eat 6 to 7 servings of cereal per day, mainly whole grains. This constitutes 1/3 of their diet. Of these 6~7 servings of cereals, 3 of them are white rice.

White rice has now gradually replaced the traditional staple food, sweet potato. This is the only area where Okinawan islanders need to improve. Brown rice is better digested and more nutritious than white rice.

The other three servings are udon noodles or delicious gray soba noodles. For thousands of years, buckwheat has been considered a health food in Japan. It contains the anti-cancer ingredient vitamin B17 and capillary-strengthening brassin, which can effectively reduce high blood pressure

Buckwheat is rich in fiber, which is good for the heart and can help remove excess cholesterol from the body. Buckwheat can also help the liver to process excess alcohol. For this reason, Japanese buckwheat restaurants offer buckwheat noodle soup and buckwheat soup for intoxicated people.

Buckwheat and other whole grains can also regulate blood sugar levels and slow down the body’s aging process. Moderate consumption of lean meat

Okinawans love pork and they include it in many dishes.

Although meat is becoming more common in the Okinawan diet (especially since the Americans introduced Spam luncheon meat after World War II), locals only eat traditional meats such as pork and lamb a few times a year, or add small amounts of meat to vegetable-based dishes for flavor.
When Okinawans eat meat, they usually remove the fat first and then put it in a pot and boil it in soup.

This makes the meat slightly leaner and easier to digest.

Okinawans get only 24% of their daily calories from fat, which is far below the Western recommended diet standard of 30% of daily calories from fat.

On top of that, only a small percentage of calories come from unhealthy saturated acids.

Low salt intake

Just like the other long-lived people we told about, Okinawan islanders put only a small amount of salt in their cooking. As a result, they do not have diseases related to high salt use such as high blood pressure.

In addition to that, the residents of Okinawa Island have a relatively low chance of suffering from stomach cancer compared to mainland Japan. According to a study of centenarians, this is also attributed to low salt intake.

Salt stimulates H. pylori infection, which leads to stomach cancer and gastric ulcers.

Okinawan islanders

For a long time, Okinawan islanders could only refine salt from seawater as edible salt, so they could only consume small doses of salt.

In addition sea salt is rich in magnesium, which counteracts the increase in blood pressure caused by salt.

In order not to use salt to adjust the taste of broth, the locals used to use seaweed and dried fish to make fish soup.
Fermented and brewed rice wine

Awamori is the Japanese rice wine of the residents of Okinawa Island. It is a fermented brewed rice wine used for cooking, flavoring or drinking.

both Awamori and Japanese rice wine contain polyphenols that prevent hardening of the arteries and are also said to protect certain brain functions and prevent brain aging.

A recent report from the National Longevity Research Institute in Tokyo states that middle-aged and elderly people who consume moderate amounts of wine or rice wine have higher IQs than those who do not consume any alcohol.

However, we should also note the “law of diminishing returns”, as more than two drinks of alcohol per day can cause liver damage and increase the risk of certain cancers.

Another recent study showed that women who consume one glass of wine a day are 6% more likely to develop breast cancer because alcohol raises estrogen levels.

Jasmine green tea and calcium-rich drinking water

However, women on the island of Okinawa who drink one glass of rice wine a day have a low chance of developing breast cancer, so we should also consider other health factors (such as a high intake of soybeans).

Okinawa residents drink about 3 cups of fragrant green tea every day. Compared to other foods or beverages, green tea contains more antioxidants and is rich in catechins, which can prevent cancer cell regeneration.

Green tea has been shown to be effective in preventing esophageal, colon, breast, lung, stomach and skin cancers. It is believed that one of the reasons that people in mainland Japan have lower than expected rates of lung cancer despite smoking is that they drink about six cups of green tea a day.

Black tea is not as healthy as green tea because it contains caffeine, but studies have shown that either black or green tea can stop fat deposits and lower blood pressure cholesterol, thus reducing the incidence of heart disease and stroke.

Residents of Okinawa Island have been drinking local drinking water rich in calcium for a long time. Calcium prevents osteoporosis and keeps the body slightly alkaline, which is an essential foundation for maintaining good health.

Medicinal plants

More than 460 kinds of herbs grow on Okinawa Island. Locals use these herbs to make medicine or to flavor their cooking.

Used to flavor soups, fish and chicken dishes, it contains the antioxidant curcumin. Curcumin has been shown to boost the immune system, aid digestion, reduce inflammation, prevent blood clotting and help detoxify the liver.

Herbal Artemisia

Often added to tea or Awamori rice wine. It is believed that taking wormwood can reduce a range of diseases, especially respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis and common colds.

Shiitake Folk medicine used on Okinawa. Western countries are increasingly interested in this area of research, as shiitake mushrooms are effective in boosting the body’s immune function.

Ginger: Used in many local dishes, it has anti-toxic properties and helps relieve morning sickness and vomiting in pregnant women.
Regular exercise

This is also common among long-lived people.

Traditionally, most of Okinawa’s inhabitants were fishermen or farmers, thus they did a lot of exercise and fresh air every day, and they still worked outdoors even when they were over 80 years old.

They also place great importance on aerobic exercises such as martial arts, traditional dances, gardening or walking. They also enjoy a few games a week of gateball, a sport similar to bowling.

Local doctors believe that this sport allows them to get out of the house, get some sun and release stress. The residents of Okinawa are very healthy, flexible and agile. Centenarians can even sit cross-legged on the floor for long periods of time.

Exercise is especially important for cardiovascular health, as it keeps the heart muscle healthy and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The abdominal muscles are used to promote gastrointestinal motility (i.e., the movement of waste through the internal organs).

Weight-bearing exercise

Weight-bearing exercise such as walking maintains bone density, which is believed to be one of the reasons why Okinawan islanders suffer less from osteoporosis.

Outdoor exercise encourages the body to produce vitamin D in the presence of sunlight, which is an essential element for healthy bones.
A purposeful old age

Even at the age of 90 or even 100, Okinawan seniors and “super” lifers do not enjoy a leisurely life, they are busy with gardening, socializing, working in the fields or making various handicrafts in cottage industries.

When they get older, they parade through the streets in their work uniforms to celebrate their accomplishments.

Experts who study geriatrics believe that living with purpose in later life can keep older people active and promote longevity.

Studies have found that remaining active after retirement plays an important role in slowing aging; complex crafts, such as weaving, can stimulate the brain to keep it clear.

Reduce stress

It is not surprising that the residents of Okinawa Island have very little stress.

The locals live at a slow pace, a pace of life known as “Okinawa” time. They always do things in a slow and unhurried manner. Instead of seeing nervous or anxious faces, you will hear the people walking in the streets or farming in the fields singing soothingly.

This is not to say that the residents of Okinawa Island is not external pressure, “World War II”, the island’s people suffer from poverty, facing material poverty, they also experience the same divorce, and even some people will be tragic death of the doom.

However, centenarian studies have found that the residents of Okinawa Island have a confident and unyielding spirit that helps them cope with the crises in their lives.

The residents of Okinawa Island regularly meditate. Studies have shown that meditation can effectively slow down the aging process.

They also have strong spiritual beliefs and are happy to share their problems with their gods and ancestors. Studies have found that women on Okinawa, in particular, have a greater sense of well-being due to their strong spiritual attachments.

Close-knit community ties

Okinawans have this word Yuimaaru, which means mutual help and reciprocity.

Although the elderly often live alone and have a healthy sense of independence, they are often loved and cared for by friends and family, and neighbors often leave food on each other’s doorsteps.

Yuimaaru also embodies the idea of people living in harmony with nature, and people living in symbiosis with the environment. Centenarian researchers have found that mutual reciprocity extends life, prevents disease, and somehow improves immunity.

There is also a saying in Okinawa – “ichariba chode” – which means to interact with everyone as if they were your own family and friends, so that everyone feels cared for and needed.

Okinawans socialize a lot, visiting each other, having breakfast together, and often coming to each other’s porches in the evening to play music.


Kiyomi Fukuyama, 102 years old

Kiyomi Fukuyama is a typical super-centenarian on Okinawa.

Despite her advanced age, she is still energetic and full of enthusiasm.

She feels that she is still physically strong and has nothing to complain about.

She has smooth skin, soft body and looks very young.

According to those who know her, her eyesight is also very good and she can see without glasses.

Although she lives with her daughter, she lives a very independent and capable life.

She did not need help with her own household chores and would go out for walks whenever the weather was nice.

She also enjoys visiting friends and family, and attends local senior citizen gatherings twice a month.

Kiyomi credits the fact that she is still so healthy to her long-standing good diet and the fact that she has always maintained a youthful energy.

Her diet consists mainly of, among other things, plenty of home-grown vegetables and locally caught fish.

She never eats too much meat, and never eats junk food or desserts.

The dietary principles of Okinawa Islanders

Okinawa Islanders will.

  • highly nutritious, low-calorie foods
  • a wide variety of nutritionally balanced foods
  • plenty of locally grown, organic, fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Consume large amounts of essential fatty acids (mainly from fish)
  • Consume soy products for a long time to balance hormones and to supplement the body with plant-based protein
  • Eating whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates
  • Drinking alcohol in moderation
  • Drink green tea and calcium-rich drinking water
  • Exercise regularly
  • Maintain an active, positive mindset in your life
  • Have a healthy mindset and live a low-pressure life
  • Live in a happy, harmonious and close community
  • Okinawa Islanders do not.
  • Overeat
  • Overcook food
  • Eat sugar
  • Excessive salt intake
  • Eat refined or processed foods
  • Drinking tea or coffee (other than green tea)
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Okinawa Island recipes for longevity
  • Fish soup

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

This is a traditional Japanese soup made from seaweed and dried bonito flakes.

This stock is used in many dishes.

In addition, it is also used to make medicinal soups to maintain and restore energy.

You can use it as a multipurpose soup base to make your own creative recipes with noodles, soy products and vegetables.

Flat Belly Tonic Or Other food Ingredient.

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic Or Other food Ingredient.

Two strips of kombu seaweed About 5 grams of bonito flakes (sold in Oriental supermarkets in 3-gram bags) 1 tablespoon of soy sauce


  • Cook the kelp in a small pot of water (about half a pint of water, or about 284 ml) for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Add the bonito flakes and continue to heat.
  • When the water comes to a boil, end off the pot.
  • After 5 minutes or until the bonito flakes sink to the bottom, skim off the bonito flakes and kelp, leaving only the broth (if you’re making more fish stock soon, you can fish out the bonito flakes and kelp to use again).
  • Add the soy sauce.

Pork Noodles in Fish Soup

Pork Noodles in Fish Soup This noodle dish is easy to learn and delicious.

The freshness of the fish broth will make it a delight to eat.

Serve with boiled vegetables or add a few slices of vegetables, such as cabbage or broccoli, after step 2.


  • 100 g of cooked pork or salmon fillets
  • 1 tablespoon of olive or canola oil
  • Half a clove of garlic
  • tablespoon of fish stock
  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of soy sauce (low-salt soy sauce made in the traditional way)
  • teaspoon of Japanese rice wine or sweet white wine
  • 240 ml stock (pork stock, or vegetable stock if salmon is added)
  • 100 g oriental noodles, preferably udon (you can buy soba udon in oriental markets)
  • 3 green onions, cut into florets and set aside


  1. If using pork, cook it in 1 pint (about 568 ml) of water for 25 minutes, skim the oil from the stock and use the rest of the stock as stock.
  2. Heat the oil in a wok or pan. Add the garlic cloves and stir-fry for 1 to 2 minutes, do not burn. You can add 1 tablespoon of stock to lower the temperature of the oil.
  3. pork or salmon meat and stir for a few minutes.
  4. Add fish stock, soy sauce, Japanese rice wine and stock and bring to a boil.
  5. Add noodles and heat through.
  6. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and serve.
    Stir-fried tofu and vegetables

Leftover Vegetables

Leftover Vegetables You can use any leftover vegetables from the previous meal, such as broccoli, cauliflower, green peppers or cabbage.
Serves 2 people


  • 1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil or canola oil
  • onion, finely chopped
  • clove garlic, minced (optional)
  • teaspoon size fresh ginger, finely chopped (optional)
  • 50 g non-GMO tofu, cut into small pieces
  • 1 carrot, sliced
  • 100 g cabbage, sliced
  • 100 grams bean sprouts
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons soy sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fish stock (optional)


  1. Pour the oil in a skillet or wok, heat it, and stir-fry the onion on high heat for a few minutes, stirring constantly, until the onion is soft but not burnt.
  2. garlic and/or ginger at this point to taste.
  3. tofu, carrots, cabbage and bean sprouts in order and continue to stir-fry for a few minutes.
  4. a small amount of soy sauce to taste and also 1 tablespoon of fish stock. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes, then serve and enjoy.
    Grilled fish with vegetables and sweet potatoes

There is no special recipe for this dish in Okinawa.

When Okinawans eat fish, they usually simply grill it and serve it with vegetables

Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic

  • Ingredients
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 300 grams of fatty fish, such as salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel, or fresh sardines
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • Olive oil
  • 150 grams of spinach or cabbage
  • Directions.
  1. Bake or mash the sweet potatoes – if baking, preheat the oven to 190°C and bake the sweet potatoes for about 30 minutes before baking the fish (sweet potatoes usually take 40 minutes to cook through).
  2. Brush both sides of the fish with lemon juice and olive oil and bake for 5 to 10 minutes, until cooked through.
  3. Steam the vegetables for a few minutes, then serve with the rest of the meal.
    Rice wine, pork and vegetable soup

If pork is not available, sometimes they will use fish instead.


  • 300g pork
  • 300g pork liver
  • Japanese rice wine or Awamori (fermented rice wine)
  • 3 potatoes, finely chopped
  • carrot, finely chopped
  • tablespoon miso paste (soybean paste)
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons of grated ginger
  • 1 to 2 small green onions, finely shredded


  1. Cut meat into slices and marinate in a bowl of Japanese rice wine or Awamori for 20 minutes.
  2. Pour water in a pan (the amount of water depends on how much stock you need) and cook the meat, skimming off the oil from the stock.
  3. After 15 to 20 minutes add the vegetables and continue to simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Take the pot off the heat, add the miso paste and grated ginger, and stir.
  5. Sprinkle with small green onions and serve with warmed Japanese rice wine.

Seaweed rice

Okinawan islanders cook this hearty dish in a rice steamer.

Here is a quick and easy way to serve it with fish or vegetables.

You can use kombu seaweed and cut it into strips, or you can use dark, thin strips of lamb’s quarters. It is suitable for 2 people.


  • 200g brown rice
  • 2 strips of kombu seaweed or lamb’s quarters
  • onion, finely chopped
  • clove of garlic, finely chopped
  • tablespoon olive or canola oil
  • teaspoon sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce


  1. Wash the rice and cook it.
  2. If using kombu seaweed, boil it for 20 minutes, then cut it into matchstick-sized julienne strips with scissors or a knife. If using lamb’s quarters, soak in warm water for 15 minutes, then dry.
  3. Add the oil to the pan, stir-fry the onion and garlic cloves, add the cooked rice and seaweed.
  4. Add a little sesame oil (if desired) and soy sauce, stir for 1 to 2 minutes, and enjoy.
Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic
Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic