Home LifestyleHealth Nine soldiers in the U.S. have died Because of COVID-19
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Nine soldiers in the U.S. have died Because of COVID-19

by YCPress

Nine soldiers in the U.S. have died Because of COVID-19

The US Department of Defense released data on COVID-19 cases on the 4th, showing that 9 soldiers have died of illness due to COVID-19.

Spokespersons for the Department of Defense and National Guard said that the latest death was a member of the Texas Air National Guard. A spokesperson for the Texas National Guard did not provide more information about the deceased.

The U.S. “Capitol Hill” Daily reported that the last soldier’s death from Coronavirus appeared at the end of September. He was a 48-year-old reserve soldier in Kentucky. The United States has so far accumulated 9 military deaths from Coronavirus, including 3 in the National Guard and 6 in the US military, including 1 active duty and 5 reserve soldiers.

The only case of death in an active-duty soldier was 41-year-old Chief Naval Officer Charles Robert Seck Jr. The US “Theodore Roosevelt” aircraft carrier had a Coronavirus pandemic earlier this year. More than 1,000 sailors were infected with Coronavirus. Seck was one of them and died in April.

According to data from the US Department of Defense, the total number of cases of Coronavirus, the staff of the Department of Defense is nearly 87,000, including nearly 59,000 military personnel.