Home Politics New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern and Minister of Foreign Affairs has a tattoo on her face
New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern and Minister of Foreign Affairs has a tattoo on her face

New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern and Minister of Foreign Affairs has a tattoo on her face

by YCPress

November 2nd. Today Russian TV reported on the 2nd that New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern appointed a new foreign minister

Nanaia Mahuta, on the same day. 

The female politician is a close relative of the Maori royal family and has a traditional chin tattoo under her lips.

According to reports, 50-year-old Mahuta was selected as the new minister of foreign affairs of the

New Zealand Labor Party. Mahuta is New Zealand’s first female foreign minister. 

Ardern praised Mahuta as “a person who can quickly establish a good relationship”

and believes that she can demonstrate New Zealand on the world stage through diplomatic skills.

source: AFP

Mahuta stated that he will continue to pursue a “progressive trade agenda” and other priorities.

 “We know more than ever that as a small country, we need to develop our relationships and continue to work on an effective

multilateral, rules-based trading system for New Zealand.”

According to local media reports, Mahuta is the niece of the late Maori Queen Te Atairangi Kaahu and a close relative of the current Maori monarch. 

She was elected to Parliament for the first time 20 years ago and was appointed Minister of Maori Development and Minister of Local Government in 2017. 

This chin tattoo is to commemorate the first anniversary of her father’s death, and its design incorporates the traditional carving patterns of the Maori tribe.