Home LifestyleHealth More than 31 million people have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in the United States.
More than 31 million people have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in the United States.

More than 31 million people have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in the United States.

by YCPress

According to a report by the Russian Sputnik News Agency on February 1, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States released information that the number of people vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in the United States exceeded 31 million.

The data shows that a total of 31,123,299 vaccinations have been made, and the total number of vaccines distributed to various places exceeds 49.9 million doses.

The difference between the number of vaccinations and the number of vaccines issued is that the first dose of vaccine was immediately ordered for the second dose.

In addition, localities often encounter difficulties in distributing vaccines in a timely manner.

The cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States is close to 26 million, and the number of deaths exceeds 440,000.

Last December, the United States approved the coronavirus vaccine and Moderna vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, a German biotechnology company.