Home LifestyleHealth London is in “anarchy”: Tens of thousands of people fled before the blockade, with traffic jams for thousands of kilometers
London is in "anarchy": Tens of thousands of people fled before the blockade, with traffic jams for thousands of kilometers

London is in “anarchy”: Tens of thousands of people fled before the blockade, with traffic jams for thousands of kilometers

by YCPress

November 5th. The British “Daily Mail” reported that before the second blockade in the early hours of the 5th, tens of thousands of British people tried to drive away from the capital, causing the city’s traffic to be paralyzed, and road vehicles lined up for 2000 kilometers. , Several hours of delay. Some London netizens marveled that this is the worst traffic congestion I have seen in 30 years.

According to congestion data released by satellite navigation provider TomTom, as of 6 pm local time on the 4th, there were as many as 2,624 traffic jams in London, and the city’s road vehicles queued up to 2000 kilometers. 

Some drivers reported that the overall traffic delay in the capital exceeded 90 minutes. Some netizens said that this was the worst traffic jam he had seen in 30 years. Some netizens said that London was “completely chaotic.”

A similar situation occurred elsewhere in England. The data shows that 16 out of 24 cities and towns are more congested than last year. As the public increased their shopping trips and leisure trips before the lockdown, accident reports also increased by 15% compared to last year.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson previously announced that from November 5th, England will implement a second total blockade until December 2nd. Except for supermarkets selling daily necessities, non-essential facilities and institutions such as catering and entertainment will be closed. Unlike the first full lockdown this spring, UK primary schools, universities and other campuses will remain open during the lockdown period.

According to statistics from the Department of Health and Social Security of the United Kingdom, as of November 4, local time, there were 25,177 new confirmed cases of Coronavirus in the United Kingdom within 24 hours, and a total of 1,099,059 confirmed cases; 492 new deaths, a total of 47,742 deaths within 28 days after diagnosis .