Home LifestyleHealth India’s second wave of severe outbreaks Some hospitals in the capital can only hold oxygen for four to five hours
India's second wave of severe outbreaks Some hospitals in the capital can only hold oxygen for four to five hours

India’s second wave of severe outbreaks Some hospitals in the capital can only hold oxygen for four to five hours

by YCPress

April 21 With the rapid spread of India’s second wave of Coronavirus outbreaks, some medical infrastructure in the capital is on the verge of collapse, and some hospitals’ oxygen reserves can only last four to five hours.

Delhi’s regional government has sent out distress signals on social media, saying that oxygen in large government hospitals lasts only eight to 24 hours, while in some private hospitals it lasts only four to five hours, the Guardian reported Tuesday.

“In many hospitals in Delhi, medical oxygen is only enough to last eight to 10 hours,” Delhi’s deputy chief minister, Sisodiya, told the media.

Failure to provide more oxygen immediately may affect the patient’s life. Our request to the central government to increase Delhi’s oxygen supply quota has not been answered”.

It is reported that the Indian government is stepping up the supply of medical oxygen to hospitals in the capital. Delhi-based GTB Hospital had just received some oxygen supplies before its 500 patients ran out of oxygen reserves. “We almost lost hope,” one doctor, who did not want to be named, told India Today. ”

On the 20th local time, Delhi reported 28,395 Coronavirus cases, a one-day record.