Home Politics Hundreds of Myanmar parliamentarians are detained in government houses and heavily guarded outside the building.
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's detention period has been extended, and some people in Myanmar protested again.

Hundreds of Myanmar parliamentarians are detained in government houses and heavily guarded outside the building.

by YCPress

February 2 According to the Associated Press, the day after the detention of Myanmar’s ruling party leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and others, on February 2, hundreds of Burmese parliamentarian parliamentarians were still detained in government houses in the capital Nai Pypyidaw, with troops guarded outside the building.

One of the imprisoned MPs said that he and about 400 other MPs could talk to each other and communicate with their supporters by phone, but were not allowed to leave the building.

He also said that there were police in the building and soldiers guarding it outside.


The MP also said that the NLD, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and other members of other small parties had a sleepless night, fearing that they would be taken away, but now it is fine.

We must always be sober and vigilant.” Fearing for his own safety, the congressman made the above statement anonymously.

Myanmar’s ruling party, the National League for Democracy spokesman Myo Nyu, said on the 1st that Myanmar’s President Wen Min, State Senior Government Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and some senior NLD officials were detained by the military in the early morning of the same day.

The Myanmar military subsequently issued a statement saying that a one-year state of emergency would be imposed in accordance with constitutional provisions.

Myanmar military television reported that the presidential palace announced the transfer of state power to Min Aung Lai, the commander-in-chief of the National Defense Force.