Home Business How China Ecocnomy always Survive ? There is something wrong with the worldwide or they Work harder than others ? Climb high and see the world wide !
How China Ecocnomy always Survive ? There is something wrong with the worldwide or they Work harder than others ? Climb high and see the world wide !

How China Ecocnomy always Survive ? There is something wrong with the worldwide or they Work harder than others ? Climb high and see the world wide !

by YCPress

How China Ecocnomy always Survive ? There is something wrong with the worldwide or they Work harder than others ? Climb high and see the world wide !

Within one week, three major multilateral diplomatic activities, 23 important initiatives, propositions, and measures…At the critical moment when the pandemic of the century and the century of change are intertwined, Chinese President Xi Jinping accurately grasped the changes of the times and once again contributed to the “China Plan”. Provide ideas for the global escape from the current crisis and point out the direction for reshaping the world in the post-pandemic era.

From November 17 to 22, Xi Jinping attended the 12th BRICS Leaders’ Meeting, the 27th APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting, and the 15th G20 Leaders’ Summit. A series of important speeches. The proposals put forward are based on the present and long-term perspective, conform to the trend of the times, uphold fairness and justice, reflect international consensus, and reflect the profound insight of a major country leader on the changes in a century, the foresight of strategic choices, and the responsibility for the future and destiny of mankind. , Won wide appreciation from the international community.

Currently, the number of people infected with the Coronavirus worldwide exceeds 57 million, and pandemic prevention and control is the most urgent task. At the three summits, President Xi combined with China’s anti-pandemic practice to comprehensively and systematically elaborated the propositions and measures to strengthen international anti-pandemic cooperation. From calling on all parties to uphold the people-centered development philosophy, to emphasizing that unity and cooperation is the most powerful weapon to defeat the pandemic; from advocating that all parties actively support the WHO to play a key leadership role, to reiterating that they will work hard to make vaccines useful for all peoples. The world sees the public products that are available and affordable, and China’s efforts. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that China has shown the world that the Coronavirus can be defeated, and China is a model for fighting the pandemic.

Affected by the pandemic, the world economy is going through the most difficult moment. As the first country to resume work and production, China put forward a package of Chinese plans to promote the recovery of the world economy at the three summits, the core of which lies in “openness, innovation, tolerance, and greenness.” This comes from the summary of China’s experience and is in line with the direction of world economic development. It will force the world economy out of the quagmire. South African International Relations scholar Oscar Van Hilden commented that China has taken concrete actions to promote economic globalization and transmit information to the world. China considers a win-win situation when cooperating with other countries.

Those who don’t plan for the whole world don’t plan for a while. Faced with the shortcomings of global governance exposed by the pandemic, Xi Jinping put forward a series of high-level proposals on international order and global governance in the post-pandemic era, demonstrating firm support for multilateralism and free trade.

From emphasizing that the BRICS countries should maintain the international system with the United Nations as the core, opposing unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction”, and promoting the construction of a more equal and balanced global development partnership, to comprehensively elaborating the profound connotations of building a community with a shared future in the Asia-Pacific region. Emphasizing that the G20 should play a greater leading role in the post-pandemic era, President Xi’s series of propositions not only pointed out the historical position of the three important governance platforms in the century-long change, but also provided for the construction of the international order in the post-pandemic era. Important guidelines.

Under the pandemic, global economic governance has entered a critical turning period. At the G20 summit, President Xi gave a comprehensive discussion on this. From further emphasizing the “Four Perseverances” to firmly safeguarding the multilateral trading system, to paying more attention to the governance of the digital domain, this series of propositions are in line with Xi Jinping’s global economic governance concept, and they will advance with the times according to the development of the situation. Global economic governance is moving in a more fair and just direction.

As the world’s second largest economy, China is accelerating the construction of a new development pattern. The international community is very concerned: What will this bring to China and the world? Through the three summits, President Xi Jinping explained in depth the major issues of why China has to build a new development pattern, what kind of new development pattern to build, and what the new development pattern means to the world, and clearly declared: China will never go back in history. Will not seek to “decouple” or engage in closed and exclusive “small circles.” Constanta Jorquela, a professor of political science at Diego Portales University in Chile, said that China is actively constructing a new development pattern and insisting on opening up to the outside world, showing China’s determination and confidence in promoting free trade and multilateralism, which is beneficial to the recovery of the global economy. Vital.

Clear the fog, climb high and look far. The theme of the times of peace and development has not changed, and the trend of the times of world multipolarization and economic globalization cannot be reversed. Countries will see more clearly, “We are all on the same ship.”

In times of high tides, the series of policy propositions put forward by President Xi Jinping at three important multilateral conferences are like sacred needles in the sea, giving confidence to the world and hope to the people, and will undoubtedly play an important leading role in global governance at present and in the future. .

And a China that is about to enter a new stage of development, a China that adheres to multilateralism and adheres to win-win cooperation, will continue to help important global governance mechanisms to set the course, and move forward firmly toward the goal of discussing, building, sharing, and building a community with a shared future for mankind. . (International sharp commentator)