Home LifestyleHealth Ecuadorian Minister of Health resigns due to vaccination scandal
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Ecuadorian Minister of Health resigns due to vaccination scandal

by YCPress

February 26 Ecuadorian Minister of Health Cevallos announced his resignation on the 26th because he illegally arranged for relatives to get the coronavirus vaccine in advance due to the exposure of his position by the media.

Ecuadorian media recently reported that some immediate relatives of Cevalhos were vaccinated against the novel coronavirus in advance.

In addition, Ecuador’s coronavirus vaccine procurement is insufficient, and the slow progress of vaccination has attracted criticism from the public, and public opinion believes that Cevalhos should take leadership responsibility for this.

Eritrean President Moreno released Cevalhos’ resignation letter on social media on the 26th.

Moreno positively commented on Cevalhos’s appointment as Minister of Health at the worst of the epidemic in Eritrea, thanked him for his efforts, and expressed respect for the dissatisfaction expressed by all sectors of society with Cevalhos’ “errors”.

Cevalhos is the second health minister to resign in Ecuador after the outbreak of COVID-19.

At present, the Eritrean government has not appointed a new Minister of Health.