Home World Commemorating the 75th “United Nations Day” Guterres emphasizes strengthening international cooperation
Commemorating the 75th "United Nations Day" Guterres emphasizes strengthening international cooperation

Commemorating the 75th “United Nations Day” Guterres emphasizes strengthening international cooperation

by YCPress

On the 26th, the United Nations Headquarters in New York held an event to commemorate the 75th “United Nations Day.” United Nations Secretary-General Guterres stated that only international cooperation can overcome the new crown epidemic, the climate crisis, increasing inequality and the spread of hatred.

The commemoration ceremony was held in the UN General Assembly Hall. The 75th UN General Assembly President Bozker and UN Secretary General Guterres attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.

In his speech, Guterres stated that the United Nations became a symbol of global unity when it was born, and today it is the center of global cooperation. Guterres said that at present, the mission of the United Nations is more important than ever. Only through joint efforts can the world achieve the ambitious goals of preventing conflicts, promoting sustainable development, safeguarding human rights and protecting the planet; only international cooperation can overcome the new crown epidemic, the climate crisis, increasing inequality and the spread of hatred.

In his speech, President of the 75th UN General Assembly Bozker said that all over the world, tens of thousands of UN staff are working hard to benefit all mankind and protect the world at all times. At present, the world expects the United Nations to withstand the test of the times in times of crisis, and the staff of the United Nations have once again proved their ability and determination.

On October 24, 1945, the “United Nations Charter” entered into force, marking the official establishment of the United Nations. In 1947, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to formally determine October 24 every year as “United Nations Day.”