Home LifestyleHealth Canada recommends people over the age of 30 be vaccinated by Johnson and Johnson
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Canada recommends people over the age of 30 be vaccinated by Johnson and Johnson

by YCPress

Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization held a press conference on May 3, local time, to provide guidance on public vaccination of Johnson and Johnson’s Coronavirus vaccine. The committee recommended that provincial health departments only vaccinate adults over the age of 30.

“Based on the evidence currently available, the Committee recommends that individuals aged 30 and over be vaccinated without regard to contraindications if they do not wish to wait for the mRNA vaccine (messenger RNA vaccine) and if the benefits (of vaccination) are higher than the risk (of infection with a Coronavirus),” the committee’s statement said. ”

By contrast, people should prioritize Pfizer or Modner’s Coronavirus vaccine, both of which are mRNA vaccines, the statement said.

Health Canada’s license for Johnson and Johnson vaccines allows adults over the age of 18 to be vaccinated.

As recently as April 30, Health Canada issued a statement announcing that Canada’s first batch of 300,000 doses of Johnson and Johnson’s Coronavirus vaccine from the United States would need to be further reviewed for quality issues and the distribution of the vaccine temporarily suspended. The vaccine was produced from Emmergen Biopharmaceuticals’ plant in Baltimore, USA. (Zhang Sen, Chief Correspondent)