Home LifestyleHealth British scientist: Coronavirus variant found in Britain mutates again
British scientist: Coronavirus variant found in Britain mutates again

British scientist: Coronavirus variant found in Britain mutates again

by YCPress

February 2 According to a report by the BBC on the 2nd, British scientists said that the variant of the novel coronavirus currently spreading throughout the UK has once again undergone a worrying variation.

According to the report, British scientists analyzed and found that some samples showed a variation called E484K, which had previously appeared in variants viruses found in South Africa and Brazil.

Experts from the public health agency in England said that only some samples of COVID-19 variants found in the UK have appeared such mutations, which does not mean that variation have become widespread, and the vaccine currently in use should remain valid.

In order to control the spread of variation viruses in the UK, large-scale coronavirus testing has begun in many parts of England, and the British government has also introduced corresponding travel restrictions.

Julian Tang, a virus expert at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, said that people must abide by the epidemic blockade and reduce the increase in confirmed cases to prevent further variation of the novel coronavirus.