Home Politics Another tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea: 10 remains found on a ship full of refugees
At least 75 stowaways were killed in shipwrecks in western Libya

Another tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea: 10 remains found on a ship full of refugees

by YCPress

Nov. 19 2021 According to a report quoted by the European Union News Agency by the European Network, according to the “Doctors Without Borders” (MSF), a boat carrying about 100 refugees sent a call for help to the rescue organization in Libyan waters of the Mediterranean Sea. After the rescuers arrived, 10 Body.

It is reported that the refugee ship was first discovered near the coast of Libya. At that time, the ship drifted with the waves due to a failure and sent out a distress signal. The maritime rescue center, which received the help signal, then sounded the alarm.

In the end, MMSF provided assistance to the refugee ship through the humanitarian rescue ship Geo Barent. Rescue workers later found that the dilapidated ship was not only full of refugees, but also 10 bodies were stuffed under the bottom of the ship.

According to statistics, there were 99 survivors on the refugee ship, who were subsequently transferred to Médecins Sans Frontières. But earlier, the organization rescued another 62 refugees.

According to the organization, there are currently 186 people on board, including many women and children, the youngest of whom are only 10 months old. Many people on board have been drifting at sea for hours. They have experienced terrible hardships and traumas and need to move to safe places as soon as possible.

Doctor Without Borders said that the alarm was issued a few hours ago, but it was too late for the 10 victims. We had enough of these preventable deaths and expressed our condolences to the families and relatives of the victims.

The Maritime Rescue Center said that when the distress message was sent, the Italian Supply Ship Asso Venticinque and the Almisan salvage tug were nearby, but they did not respond to requests for help.

Dijacomo, spokesman for the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations for Migration, said that so far, 1236 refugees have died as a result of crossing the Mediterranean Sea in 2021, compared with 858 in 2020.