Home Politics American Scholar: Japan’s disposal of nuclear-contaminated water is not well thought out, the U.S. government completely does not test and says it doesn’t matter
American Scholar: Japan's disposal of nuclear-contaminated water is not well thought out, the U.S. government completely does not test and says it doesn't matter

American Scholar: Japan’s disposal of nuclear-contaminated water is not well thought out, the U.S. government completely does not test and says it doesn’t matter

by YCPress

Ken Bussler, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Institute of Oceanography in the United States, told CCTV on Wednesday that Japan had not fully considered all the different radioactive materials involved in the disposal of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan.

Ken Bussler, senior scientist at the Woods Hole Institute of Oceanography: “I don’t think (Japan) is taking into account all the different radioactive (material) pollution, not just radon.”

If you release other forms of radioactive material, it will be more harmful and more harmful. Although Japan has made it very clear that we will get rid of it, it is a matter of trust, and it has been 10 years since they have not done so.

At the same time, Ken Bussler said the general silence in the Western media may be due to the U.S. being far from Japan, and Ken Bussler said Japan should conduct additional testing of a variety of radioactive materials before releasing nuclear-contaminated water, and that everyone has a right to know.

Ken Bussler, senior scientist at the Woods Hole Institute of Oceanography: “When it comes to media silence, especially in the West, I think in a sense, it’s probably because americans are so far away that Americans aren’t that worried.”

But I’m telling you, about three or four years ago, people on the west coast of our country were very worried, they were even worried about swimming and surfing, but the government didn’t test at all and told people it wasn’t okay, they didn’t have to worry.

I think humans, everyone, have the right to pay attention, they have the right to test, even when expectations are low and it’s very helpful to test and prove. So that’s why I’ve always argued that even if Japan releases new information now, we should conduct additional testing of various forms of radioactive material before any emissions.