Home World After being disfigured by her boyfriend splashing sulphuric acid, the Turkish woman still married him.
After being disfigured by her boyfriend splashing sulphuric acid, the Turkish woman still married him.

After being disfigured by her boyfriend splashing sulphuric acid, the Turkish woman still married him.

by YCPress

According to the New York Post on the 24th, a young Turkish woman married a man who splashed sulphuric acid on her face and eyes, who permanently disfigured her and impaired her vision.

Berber Ozek, 20, and Cassim Ossan Sertik, 23, got married this month – two years ago, Ozek poured the chemical on Cassim in a fierce quarrel.

It is reported that the couple dated before, but they were separated at that time. Ozek allegedly shouted to Cassim before the attack: “If I can’t have you, no one can!”

Ozek was arrested after the incident. However, he began to text Cassim “love bomb” and asked her for forgiveness. Finally, Cassim’s attitude softened and agreed to withdraw her complaint. She wrote, “We have written a lot to each other. I gave myself to him. I love him very much, and he also loves me very much.

However, Kassim’s choice was fiercely criticized on the country’s social media, and she later asked the judge to resume the prosecution. The boyfriend was finally sentenced to 13 and a half years in prison.

However, the change of law, coupled with the change of COVID-19 rules, led to Ozek’s recent release and probation, but he did not get out of public opinion.

According to the report, the news of Ozek’s return to freedom aroused anger on the Internet, because Cassim had been in pain, and her eyesight was only 30%. When Ozek proposed to Cassim immediately after his release, and she also accepted it, the Turkish public was directly “shattered”.

They got married this month. In the photo, the disfigured bride signed a legal document under the gaze of her smiling boyfriend. Cassim’s father was stunned and refused to attend the wedding.

At the same time, the newlyweds have not responded to the harsh criticism of them on social media.

A netizen scrasted, “If you ask who is the stupidest person in the world, I will say the woman’s name. Next time, this person will peel her alive.

Another netizen wrote: “Her forgiveness should not prevent him from being punished. Unfortunately, the marriage should end in a month or two, and the poor woman will continue to endure the atrocities she has experienced.